I would welcome advice concerning the best possible performance of Ode To Joy to use as a ringtone. It occurred to me that this forum would be the best place to ask.
Ode To Joy ringtone.
Oh I know this isn't a ringtone but gosh this always moves me deeply - people from all different backgrounds coming together and making something beautiful (its slight messiness seems only to add to the joy because imperfection is what makes us human). On a positive note, although we will lose a great deal economically and socially following this silly event, our real closeness to Europe will remain: we are leaving not uprooting.
Andy Freude
I'd lost that link. There are lots of flash mobs on Youtube playing it including, rather touchingly, a Japanese one (no idea what they made of it) but this is my favourite - so thank you from me too.
Originally posted by Bella Kemp View PostOh I know this isn't a ringtone but gosh this always moves me deeply - people from all different backgrounds coming together and making something beautiful (its slight messiness seems only to add to the joy because imperfection is what makes us human). On a positive note, although we will lose a great deal economically and socially following this silly event, our real closeness to Europe will remain: we are leaving not uprooting.
Originally posted by Bella Kemp View PostOh I know this isn't a ringtone but gosh this always moves me deeply - people from all different backgrounds coming together and making something beautiful (its slight messiness seems only to add to the joy because imperfection is what makes us human). On a positive note, although we will lose a great deal economically and socially following this silly event, our real closeness to Europe will remain: we are leaving not uprooting.
I keep seeing this on social media as well and it seems that many aren't able to notice that it IS a piece of staged theatre designed to sell the bank
NOT that there is anything "wrong" with the wonderful music and it's message
Andy Freude
Originally posted by MrGongGong View PostIt's a shame it's an advert for a Spanish bank IMV
I keep seeing this on social media as well and it seems that many aren't able to notice that it IS a piece of staged theatre designed to sell the bank
NOT that there is anything "wrong" with the wonderful music and it's message(Flash mobs involving symphony orchestras are usually 'staged'.)