Originally posted by StephenMcK
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An elderly Forumista writes ......
Andy Freude
Originally posted by Andy Freude View PostYes, I wasn't suggesting that. Wasn't the original idea of the Proms to "create an audience" for the music? - which they did. By music whose audiences were 'set to diminish', I meant unless Something was Done. If (if) GAS is thought of as being music 'for older audiences', well, we're all getting older. We should be just ripening nicely for it.
Andy Freude
Originally posted by cloughie View PostSo we oldies just have to grin and put up with the appalling music provision the Beeb sees fit to give us for the last few years of our lives, whilst we wait for the younger audience to continue to reject what is been engineered for them - sorry but that is not acceptable!
What I think "we oldies" (meaning you and others) should get is the music you appreciate and want to hear, presented in the manner in which you wish it to be presented. I trust that is clearer, and acceptable to you.
Originally posted by Andy Freude View PostI'm a bit puzzled by the "So" at the beginning of the sentence. It suggests your comment was a rejecction of what I had said. I said nothing about the BBC (still less Radio 3) and what they broadcast; and you seem to be suggesting (unless I misundertand) that the type of music of which the first poster was expressing an appreciation is in an absolute sense "appalling".
What I think "we oldies" (meaning you and others) should get is the music you appreciate and want to hear, presented in the manner in which you wish it to be presented. I trust that is clearer, and acceptable to you.
Andy Freude
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostTo be fair to cloughie, I don't think his reply to your previous message was meant as an attack on it, just conclusions equally drawable from the deductions you were making?
Originally posted by cloughie View PostThanks S_A you are right in your assumption, I was agreeing with you Andy not attacking. I am just fed up with the BBC’s abandonment of those of us who have reached an age where our listening requirements are not deemed to matter. Fortunately my recorded music collection is wide enough in size and taste to outlive me!
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostYou see, I ask myself all the time if, were it not for the inestimable edicative role Radio 3 performed for me during my formative years, I would have had the spadework preparation that gave me the wider picture to draw from in my lifelong investigation of musicm, and build my precious archive of recordings. And I worry about the cultural thinness of the gruel that now stands for "freedom of choice" in determining not just general public tastes and interests but the bedrock from which music has to move forward if it is not merely to stagnate.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]