Social media

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18104

    I have never had a FB account. I dislike FB with a vengeance - I'll perhaps explain why in a few moments.

    I have had several Twitter accounts - which I used to test the system, and I once or twice tried to use it to achieve some sort of "result". Decided it was/is a wast of time. I also read a book about how Twitter was developed, which was interesting.

    I have had a linkedIn account - but I never use it.

    What irritates me about some of these is that some try to take over one's whole online life. The assumption that everyone has a FB account, so one can log into other sites via FB - that struck me as very opportunistic. When Spotify tried to make log in "easier" by only allow access by FB, I complained - and it seems that others did too, as the policty was changed afterwards.

    I have heard of Twitter being used for useful purposes, and I hear good reports of some useful FB sites. For me there are a few issues, particularly with FB, so I'll address the issues taking FB as the main target of my criticism.

    1. Sites which form walled gardens, and which try to expand their user base by "ease of use" features such as log ins to other sites. Walled gardens are perhaps very good for very small local groups, but there is no need for the data to be handled either nationally or internationally. An example might be a small intranet for use within a school. Just because there are technical and resource issues with running such a system is no reason to outsource such activities to a possibly untrusted third party organisation.

    2. Privacy. Data and information which is made available on the internet is now global. I don't necessarily want the whole world to know that I went to the toilet at 9.50am on 16th September, 20014 - either now, or for ever more. I don't trust any web sites to honour privacy now, or in the future, or even if they do, they can be hacked.

    This is unfortunate - as I can see the use of a real closed user group for real friends and family, but but trusting a third party organisation (web site) with commercial interests to provide that and keep my data/privacy secure - NO!

    3. Many of the sites are administered within the US. This means that data traffic goes across the Atlantic, and also that data security and privacy are dealt with under the US regime. In itself that needn't be an issue, as there wouldn't necessarily be a better situation if the companies were based in the UK or the EU. My view - see point - is that if I don't want people to know that I went to the toilet at 9.50am on September 16, 2014, I shouldn't post that anywhere. People who give information away carelessly are foolish.

    4. There has been a history of some sites folding, or merging with others, or being relocated to other jurisdictions. Rules can change. These can - almost certainly will - have an impact on the issues mentioned in points 1-3.

    5. Re time wasting - I've seen many people spend hours on FB, not always perhaps to good effect.

    6. I have limited presence on the web - this board, and one other, and I also use a couple of photo sites. I do waste time with these, but for my purposes I don't think this is totally unreasonable.


    • Globaltruth
      • Nov 2010
      • 4326

      The malign use of social media to convert opinion/beliefs into specific behaviours is the worst development with social media. Puts targeted ads into the shade in my opinion.
      You can ignore social media, but irrespective of that, results will happen and have happened that will affect and have affected you.

      Cheers for Brittany Kaiser though who is trying to at least show some of the contents of Pandora's Box:

      (I don't personally subscribe to every single conspiracy theory in this film - but there is no doubt as to what Cambridge Analytica (now rebranded) have been up to)


      • MrGongGong
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 18357

        Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post

        5. Re time wasting - I've seen many people spend hours on FB, not always perhaps to good effect.

        6. I have limited presence on the web - this board, and one other, and I also use a couple of photo sites. I do waste time with these, but for my purposes I don't think this is totally unreasonable.
        The concept of "wasting time" is interesting
        If I listen to all the Mahler Symphonies back-to-back (which I have done several years ago while travelling) is that a "waste" of my time?
        I'm sitting indoors editing the sounds of rhubarb growing at the moment while the sun is shining and there's a heap of wood to chop for the fire... is that "wasting" time ?

        Oh, I'm going to get paid for the rhubarb sounds (part of an exhibition / installation in the Wakefield Rhubarb Festival) does that make it not a "waste" of time ?
        I'm sitting next to a piano, if I turned the computer off and spent a couple of hours practising scales would that be a better use of my time ?

        Many of the things I do these days are communicated through social media such as FB
        Yes, it is, and always has been a data harvesting company .... at the moment the benefits outweigh the rest (i'm not about to enter my bank details)

        The idea of "wasting" time is very current.... what do others feel


        • Richard Barrett
          • Jan 2016
          • 6259

          Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
          The concept of "wasting time" is interesting
          Maybe we can define it in terms of time when you (then or afterwards) feel guilty at not having done something else for that duration. That happens to me quite often. But it also happened before there was social media to waste time on. I blame only myself.

          As we've said before, FB is useful for being in touch with far-flung friends and for various professional purposes, among other things. Of course it isn't free and you pay by providing details about your opinions, contacts, movements and so on. If I measure that against concert attendance, recording and book sales, downloads and performances of scores and so on, I reckon I probably get at least as much out of FB as it does out of me. Being in regular contact with old schoolfriends etc. is life-enhancing. If there's something I don't want anyone to know about, I don't post it there (or here). I have the FB Purity extension set to hide pretty much everything I don't want to see. I have enough on my mind without worrying about social media...


          • vinteuil
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 13194

            Originally posted by Richard Barrett View Post
            Maybe we can define it in terms of time when you (then or afterwards) feel guilty at not having done something else for that duration. That happens to me quite often. But it also happened before there was social media to waste time on. I blame only myself.
            ... do I detect your suppressed inner Methodist?

            You may always, of course, many years later, find that that moment of 'wasted time' is precisely one of those magical moments that gives sense to a life-time. As the little moustachio'd Frenchman strove to point out in many (many, many) pages...

            Wordsworth also has something to say -




            • Richard Barrett
              • Jan 2016
              • 6259

              Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
              ... do I detect your suppressed inner Methodist?
              No doubt! Although usually I do manage to convince myself that the "wasted time" is actually necessary in that somehow thoughts are slotting themselves together in the background while the conscious mind appears to be doing nothing much.


              • Richard Tarleton

                Depressing story in the press recently about how tourists giving Instagram updates on their safari holidays are giving poachers valuable information on the whereabouts of elephants. rhinos etc......


                • Flay
                  Full Member
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 5795

                  Because of recently researching a paper on Strauss and his relationship with the Nazis, I am now being bombarded with wartime videos and films on Youtube, especially from the German perspective. I think they believe me to be a fanatic!
                  Pacta sunt servanda !!!


                  • Old Grumpy
                    Full Member
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 3693

                    Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View Post
                    Depressing story in the press recently about how tourists giving Instagram updates on their safari holidays are giving poachers valuable information on the whereabouts of elephants. rhinos etc......
                    Also, presumably, letting those who might like to know, that their UK domicile is currently empty!


                    • Old Grumpy
                      Full Member
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 3693

                      Originally posted by Flay View Post
                      Because of recently researching a paper on Strauss and his relationship with the Nazis, I am now being bombarded with wartime videos and films on Youtube, especially from the German perspective. I think they believe me to be a fanatic!
                      Yeah, GCHQ are on to that


                      • Richard Barrett
                        • Jan 2016
                        • 6259

                        Originally posted by Old Grumpy View Post
                        Also, presumably, letting those who might like to know, that their UK domicile is currently empty!
                        Quite. I make a point of never posting photos of any holiday trips until after I get back. On the other hand I have friends who seem to post their whereabouts several times a day! "Great, he's in the pub, there's just time to pop in and nab his heirlooms".


                        • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                          Gone fishin'
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 30163

                          Originally posted by Richard Barrett View Post
                          "Great, he's in the pub, there's just time to pop in and nab his heirlooms".
                          That'll bring tears to his eyes!
                          [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                          • burning dog
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 1515

                            Originally posted by Richard Barrett View Post
                            Quite. I make a point of never posting photos of any holiday trips until after I get back. On the other hand I have friends who seem to post their whereabouts several times a day! "Great, he's in the pub, there's just time to pop in and nab his heirlooms".
                            The birthday party videos concern me. One by a relative "So when is your actual birthday?" "Tomorrow. I'll be 26."

                            . Why not give out your bank detals as well?


                            • vinteuil
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 13194

                              Originally posted by burning dog View Post
                              The birthday party videos concern me. One by a relative "So when is your actual birthday?" "Tomorrow. I'll be 26."

                              . Why not give out your bank detals as well?
                              ... are people's dates of birth that important? The openly available Companies House website provides dates of birth of company directors, secretaries, etc.

                              EDIT - actually I have checked : they have changed, and now only show the month...



                              • burning dog
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 1515

                                Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
                                ... are people's dates of birth that important? The openly available Companies House website provides dates of birth of company directors, secretaries, etc.

                                EDIT - actually I have checked : they have changed, and now only show the month...

                                It's just one piece of a jigsaw. My Doctors surgery asks for day and month of birth over the phone and you can book in at the surgery with name and partial DOB. I doubt a trickster would have any use for this, especially as most of the medical staff would recognise the "real" me, but there must be similar examples.

