A few years back I started using Amazon Prime - on a bit of an on/off basis - with a trial at first. Gradually the service sucked me in, firstly because of convenience, and secondly because there are actually a few videos/films which are available which are worth watching, which make it worth while.
I notice just now that in some locations there are options to do pickups. I think some other online stores sometimes charge extra for doing pickup rather than delivery to the home destination. One possible advantage of pickups versus delivery to home is that it might be easier rather than having to wait in, or miss the delivery.
Whether this is a real advantage might depend on whether one has friendly neighbours, or alternatively helpful delivery people.
Tracked packages can be a real nuisance if they require a signature - and oddly it's not always possible to know whether a package is going to be tracked in that way or not. One item I ordered (not from Amazon) turned up unexpectedly and had to be signed for - which I wasn't expecting. It wasn't a problem, but it might have been if it had arrived at a different time. I shalln't elaborate on how some delivery people are more helpful than others.
Are the Amazon pickups useful for the reasons/circumstances I've outlined, and are they at no extra cost for Prime members?
I notice just now that in some locations there are options to do pickups. I think some other online stores sometimes charge extra for doing pickup rather than delivery to the home destination. One possible advantage of pickups versus delivery to home is that it might be easier rather than having to wait in, or miss the delivery.
Whether this is a real advantage might depend on whether one has friendly neighbours, or alternatively helpful delivery people.
Tracked packages can be a real nuisance if they require a signature - and oddly it's not always possible to know whether a package is going to be tracked in that way or not. One item I ordered (not from Amazon) turned up unexpectedly and had to be signed for - which I wasn't expecting. It wasn't a problem, but it might have been if it had arrived at a different time. I shalln't elaborate on how some delivery people are more helpful than others.
Are the Amazon pickups useful for the reasons/circumstances I've outlined, and are they at no extra cost for Prime members?