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  • Old Grumpy
    Full Member
    • Jan 2011
    • 3573

    Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
    That's annoying isn't it. As my weekend newspaper viewing supplement has it listed for tonight and the last part tomorrow I assume it is a last minute change - perhaps someone in high places, having seen the first part, got worried?
    I didn't watch, but the answer may lie here:


    • oddoneout
      Full Member
      • Nov 2015
      • 9087

      Originally posted by Old Grumpy View Post
      I didn't watch, but the answer may lie here:
      Interesting - but in itself that raises some questions about why the poor viewing figures. Are people not bothered about the how and why so long as the material continues to appear on their preferred online "news" feeds? Or perhaps just want the juicy nuggets rather than a documentary? Whatever the reason I imagine that more than a few folks might not be that unhappy the programmes were pulled - if the viewing figures are that bad the chances of many people seeing them on other platforms(if available) are also even lower.


      • Old Grumpy
        Full Member
        • Jan 2011
        • 3573

        Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
        Interesting - but in itself that raises some questions about why the poor viewing figures. Are people not bothered about the how and why so long as the material continues to appear on their preferred online "news" feeds? Or perhaps just want the juicy nuggets rather than a documentary? Whatever the reason I imagine that more than a few folks might not be that unhappy the programmes were pulled - if the viewing figures are that bad the chances of many people seeing them on other platforms(if available) are also even lower.
        I couldn't possibly say as I have no online news feeds, personally!


        • Cockney Sparrow
          Full Member
          • Jan 2014
          • 2280

          Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
          .......Whatever the reason I imagine that more than a few folks might not be that unhappy the programmes were pulled ......
          Very much the sort of occurences which appear in Private Eye. The back scratching, nepotism and clientelism* which infests the media fill at least a page or two in every issue. (Presently I'm three issues behind in reading the Eye.....).

          * A word I learned - I'm just a humble lad from the East End - learned from yesterday's Thinking Allowed , Radio 4 - a very interesting half hour:

          The changing nature of crime: What do current day thieves, gangsters and dealers say about their ‘business’ and how its evolved over time? How strict a division is there between the 'respectable' and the 'illicit' world?

          For myself I would add, "particularly since 2019 in the UK"
          The changing nature of crime and the impact of Covid on criminal opportunity.


          • Serial_Apologist
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 37471

            Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
            Interesting - but in itself that raises some questions about why the poor viewing figures. Are people not bothered about the how and why so long as the material continues to appear on their preferred online "news" feeds? Or perhaps just want the juicy nuggets rather than a documentary? Whatever the reason I imagine that more than a few folks might not be that unhappy the programmes were pulled - if the viewing figures are that bad the chances of many people seeing them on other platforms(if available) are also even lower.
            If anything it must say something about the moral state of the nation that people are uninterested in a subject that has more than helped bring about the present situation by continuously diverting attention away from its underlying causes. If they were to watch the series they would see most of the leading perpetrators unapologetically proclaiming their misdeeds, effectively laughing in their reading public's face.


            • french frank
              • Feb 2007
              • 30079

              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
              If they were to watch the series they would see most of the leading perpetrators unapologetically proclaiming their misdeeds, effectively laughing in their reading public's face.
              So? What did Trump say? That he could go out and shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes. The truth, in other words, is not something to sway people. If they were after the truth they wouldn't stick with the sources which confirm their bias. It should be said: it's what people do, only the populists win out because they attract more adherents.
              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


              • Cockney Sparrow
                Full Member
                • Jan 2014
                • 2280

                Originally posted by french frank View Post
                So? What did Trump say? That he could go out and shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes. The truth, in other words, is not something to sway people. If they were after the truth they wouldn't stick with the sources which confirm their bias. It should be said: it's what people do, only the populists win out because they attract more adherents.
                Absolutely, I must keep in mind we are currently in a phase where truth, legality and standards aren't of interest to a majority of those who bother to register and vote.

                We have split into different camps. I was tempted to say different tribes, which would be ironic in the context of the events of the last month, where "western democracies" are claiming a moral high ground, whilst analysts and historians are pointing to the great importance of tribal loyalties, rivalries and long held grudges in Afghanistan in determining events there - which has, it seems, been wilfully overlooked by the western forces who sought to impose Our Values.


                • Serial_Apologist
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 37471

                  At last, after three days running, the Wireless Festival is over, thank Dawkins!

                  This has been running now for several years from various locations, and has now become solely devoted to hip-hop and its derivatives such as Garage and Drill (sic). This year it has been Crystal Palace Park, which has been walled off for not just the Friday, Saturday and Sunday but the entire week while their people took over to install the bandstand and do loud and frequent soundchecks, depriving access to the much-loved park at the tail end of the summer season for more than a week. While it has been on, residents and premises half a mile distant, such as this one, have had low-fi reverberations inflicted on us, and continuous circulating low-fly helicopters adding to the din.

                  I now know what it must have been like when the US (navy was it?) fired high-volume heavy metal rock music at Noriega's palace in Panama either to drive him mad or out, and why it is that people living close to where such events take place organise campaigns to try and prevent events like this from taking place. This afternoon side roads near the Park were almost all barricaded off with access only allowed to residents, and the whole area was awash with police, as well as the stench of dope. Not a face mask wearer in sight in the thronging crowds taking over every pavement within 400 metres of the site.

                  I wish all the best to wherever is next in line for this annual event/fascist music rally.


                  • muzzer
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2013
                    • 1188

                    It’s been in Finsbury Park for the past decade. Bromley council must have offered better terms than Haringey this year. There was a lot of campaigning against it but year upon year this was ignored by the council. I am ad idem with every element of your post and grievance. It is a disgrace. It started in Hyde Park near 20 years ago and was better there as properly regulated. The dope thing is the worst, and the endless helicopters etc etc. I’m even more opposed to that sort of “music” now than I was before.


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 37471

                      I hope Rachel Reeves's maths is better than her English, given that she is Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer - I'm sure I heard her refer to "illegible people" on the Marr Show this morning. God help us all if she is ever made Minister for Education - not that a future Labour govt looks on the cards!


                      • cloughie
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 22096

                        Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                        I hope Rachel Reeves's maths is better than her English, given that she is Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer - I'm sure I heard her refer to "illegible people" on the Marr Show this morning. God help us all if she is ever made Minister for Education - not that a future Labour govt looks on the cards!
                        I think this shower that promises so much and delivers so much has still plenty of ‘cock-up’ time before the next election!


                        • Joseph K
                          • Oct 2017
                          • 7765

                          Strep throat. This is annoying. Though I suppose that, when it came on yesterday, I was a little bit paranoid about what it was what with this being an age of the pandemic, so when I remembered today what it was I was a bit relieved - I had it about five years ago.


                          • Serial_Apologist
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 37471

                            Originally posted by Joseph K View Post
                            Strep throat. This is annoying. Though I suppose that, when it came on yesterday, I was a little bit paranoid about what it was what with this being an age of the pandemic, so when I remembered today what it was I was a bit relieved - I had it about five years ago.
                            Watch out - it can lead to something more serious, it says on various sites. At least you haven't caught it at the London Jazz Festival!


                            • Joseph K
                              • Oct 2017
                              • 7765

                              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                              Watch out - it can lead to something more serious, it says on various sites. At least you haven't caught it at the London Jazz Festival!

                              If it's anything like last time, I'll get prescribed an antibiotic spray.


                              • Bryn
                                • Mar 2007
                                • 24688

                                Originally posted by Joseph K View Post

                                If it's anything like last time, I'll get prescribed an antibiotic spray.
                                In earlier years (some decades ago) I would get a dose of pharyngitis every winter and was prescribed antibiotics. Then, one year a new GP suggested not taking anti-biotics but letting it run its course unless it got significantly worse. It seemed to subside about as quickly as with antibiotics. I have not experienced it since. It could just be coincidence, of course, but . . .

