Grumble Thread

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  • Joseph K
    • Oct 2017
    • 7765

    Grumble Thread

    Seems on Amazon now in order to find someone's wish list you have to send them an email requesting access to it. So much for a nice surprise.
  • Boilk
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 976

    Originally posted by Joseph K View Post
    Seems on Amazon now in order to find someone's wish list you have to send them an email requesting access to it. So much for a nice surprise.
    GDPR? Just guessing.


    • Joseph K
      • Oct 2017
      • 7765

      Originally posted by Boilk View Post
      GDPR? Just guessing.


      • Joseph K
        • Oct 2017
        • 7765

        Looks like my metronome has died. Shame Redditch music shop is no more. I'll have to wait for the one I've ordered to arrive - until then, using youtube videos via my phone.


        • Bryn
          • Mar 2007
          • 24688

          Do you not have a pocket recorder, such as most any of the Zooms? They have both metronome and tuning functions. Other such devices may also offer such facilities.


          • Joseph K
            • Oct 2017
            • 7765

            Originally posted by Bryn View Post
            Do you not have a pocket recorder, such as most any of the Zooms? They have both metronome and tuning functions. Other such devices may also offer such facilities.
            No, I used to own a dictaphone though. My phone and youtube will suffice in the mean time.


            • Serial_Apologist
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 38284

              If you knew where to go for one, it would still have to be bought on tick.

              (OK, I'll get my coat)


              • cloughie
                Full Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 22306

                Plenty of metronome apps available or you could get a Korg.


                • kernelbogey
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 5927

                  I wish that, when posting 'helpful' links about products and where to get them, folk would make clear when it is a link to Amazon. Because I want nothing to do with the company, and I don't want their cookies sneaking into my computer because of my having unknowingly visited their site.


                  • pastoralguy
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 7936

                    Things that cheese me off in charity shops...

                    People who don't take their back packs off and block the already narrow passages.

                    I remember some woman returning an item that had cost 25p and demanding a refund!

                    Shelf hoggers! For some reason, CDs are usually placed in corners so one has to wait until the person has finished browsing. Now this is fine until there's a box of Lps underneath and some vinyl freak decides to go through EVERY SINGLE RECORD and minutely exam the surfaces! I once waited patiently for 10 minutes while this guy examined records. Eventually, I got fed up and decided to call back after I'd visited the other charity shops. Having done so AND had a coffee in Costa, I returned to find the guy was still there, an hour after I'd left him!

                    Charity shops that don't have change.

                    I want to buy a cd that's £2.00 so I present a ten pound note. 'Have you anything smaller?' I rummage around and find a fiver I was keeping for Mrs. PG. 'Mmm, you haven't got the correct change, have you?!' I delve into my pockets and cobble together £1.92. 'I've got £1.92 - can I hand the 8 pence in?' 'No. Price is £2.00!' 'Can I use my card?' 'No, we don't accept cards for such small amounts?!'

                    I'm sad to say I really wanted the cd so I walked to the local supermarket and got change by buying a packet of Polos. When I return and pay for the disc which the volunteer has grudgingly left by the till, I notice there's enough change in the drawer to fill one of those promotional whisky bottles. I swear quietly under my breath and leave...

                    Mrs. PG volunteers in a charity shop and says it's incredible how many obviously intelligent people come to the till and ask if they have an item of clothing in a different colour/size/style!


                    • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                      Gone fishin'
                      • Sep 2011
                      • 30163

                      Originally posted by pastoralguy View Post
                      People who don't take their back packs off and block the already narrow passages.

                      [people] returning an item that had cost 25p and demanding a refund!

                      Shelf hoggers! For some reason, CDs are usually placed in corners so one has to wait until the person has finished browsing. Now this is fine until there's a box of Lps underneath and some vinyl freak decides to go through EVERY SINGLE RECORD and minutely exam the surfaces! I once waited patiently for 10 minutes while this guy examined records. Eventually, I got fed up and decided to call back after I'd visited the other charity shops. Having done so AND had a coffee in Costa, I returned to find the guy was still there, an hour after I'd left him!
                      Ah - but that's not their fault; Charity Shops shouldn't stock stuff they don't have room for. I've not noticed the vinyl countdowners, but the Music Books (Sheet Music) in the Skipton store is kept on the two lowest shelves of an aisle, underneath the Cookery and Health & Fitness stock. To get down to that level, I have to effectively sit on the floor - and going through the Sheet Music (taking care not to let the whole stack swoon into a flopping heap onto the floor) means that I have to become the aisle hogger. I've never taken quite as much as an hour to go through what's there - but it's got close to that just getting up off the floor.

                      Charity shops that don't have change.
                      Oh - I've never encountered this problem. What's far more of an annoyance, and which you don't mention, is STAFF WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THE TILL!!!! Enormous queue at check-out, held up by staff spending five minutes totally confusing the Till by pressing every button he can see; having to call Brenda from upstairs to sort the problem out; explain the problem to Brenda; explain what's he's done so far to make the Till cry; listen to Brenda tell him what he should have done; wait for Brenda to correct the wrong key he's pressed, in spite of Brenda's clear instructions; press the correct key; thank Brenda (who disappears back upstairs) and then gape at customer who would like a Till receipt as well.

                      And all this in the British Heart Foundation shop underneath a sign advising you to get your Blood Pressure checked regularly!
                      [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                      • Cockney Sparrow
                        Full Member
                        • Jan 2014
                        • 2308

                        I keep wondering whether its worth visiting charity shops for CDs. The "market leading" chain, with its own specialist book/music shops, prices close to the river people marketplace price. I might as well order from home - if its not in the Naxos Music Library, and I really want it. Often, I'm not sure whether a particular CD is worth acquiring, very rarely do I come across a recording I'm looking out for, or know immediately I would buy it.

                        In other charity shops I have a quick look (even over someone's shoulder) to see if they have acquired a "rich vein" of classical CDs as its possible to spot the spine of most classical recordings from a distance (on the whole). I've bought more 2nd hand vocal scores and books - music and othere - in the "market leading" bookshops than CDs (and never looked at vinyl records...).


                        • Zucchini
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 917

                          Originally posted by Cockney Sparrow View Post
                          I keep wondering whether its worth visiting charity shops for CDs.
                          If you want to meet and chat to other members of this R3 forum, the answer's yes. There'll be loads of them ...


                          • kernelbogey
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 5927

                            Originally posted by Cockney Sparrow View Post
                            I keep wondering whether its worth visiting charity shops for CDs. The "market leading" chain, with its own specialist book/music shops, prices close to the river people marketplace price. I might as well order from home....
                            As an occasional donor to said 'market leader' I point out that all of the purchase price goes towards supporting people in the developing world (after a contribution to overheads, of course); and a barcode on the item will indicate that the organisation can also retrieve the tax paid by the donor on the value of the sales price. Unlike the 'river people' which contributes nothing to the society from which it profits, while benefitting from its infrastructure.


                            • BBMmk2
                              Late Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 20908

                              Whose fed with Megxit?
                              Don’t cry for me
                              I go where music was born

                              J S Bach 1685-1750

