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  • oddoneout
    Full Member
    • Nov 2015
    • 9087

    Quite apart from all the political aspects of Brexit, there is the eternal problem of government IT projects which are a byword for useless as far as the intended user is concerned.
    Firms said food and plant checks and Latin names causing costly delays with lorries waiting hours in first week of post-EU regime

    This is supposedly the result of " working closely with the industry" over a period of 3 years...


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 37470

      Originally posted by smittims View Post
      I guessed in advance that it would be a mistake for the UK to leave the EU. I tried to warn people, who were drunk on the 'take back control' mantra; I was laughed at. In the coming years we shall see more and more reasons why we should have stayed in the EU, not least because European unity will become nore vitally important.
      And in any case, it would have always been a question of who it was who was "taking back control".


      • Dave2002
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 17998

        Chargeplace Scotland - Grrrr ....

        This is supposedly a provider of EV charging services in Scotland. Clearly they use other providers to try to provide some functionality.

        Recently I received notification that they were going to change their payment provider - supposedly this would make things simpler.

        As I might want to use the charging network soon I thought I might check today, and see if the card I have previously used needs to be updated.

        It is currently Sunday - but a day before a bank holiday in Scotland. According to the website - there is a help desk manned 24 hours every day.

        However I suspect the man [or woman] and his [her] dog have gone to sleep - as indeed I feel like doing. I have been trying to contact the help desk probably for the last 30 mins or so, with no sign of an answer.

        In the meantime I have changed my login password, and also noted some previous charging events - which may - or may not - have been free - as there doesn't seem to have been any evidence of the previous charges having been paid for.

        I can understand why many people don't want to change their cars for EVs - as most of the charging networks seem to be poorly administered. Mostly we just charge our cars up at home - which is fine, but if we want to go on longer trips we need to be sure that the charging networks will actually work. By work I mean - drive up to a charge point, plug in, charge [in about 10-20 minutes], drive off. I don't mean arrive at a charge point, then find it (a) doesn't work, or (b) have to contact the help desks, or (c) have to download yet another uselesss app on a mobile phone, or (d) reregister any cards or accounts as the admnistering organisation has managed to delete all records of a personal account - etc.

        I'm not in favour of burning fossil fuels, but the following - with petrol cars is much simpler - "drive to garage, fill up with petrol, pay, drive away".

        This phone call is going nowhere - must be 45 minutes now. Fortunately I'm not stuck in a car, stranded, trying to get help - so will give up and have an evening meal, but this level of [in]competence [should] beggar belief!


        • LMcD
          Full Member
          • Sep 2017
          • 8292

          Originally posted by smittims View Post
          I guessed in advance that it would be a mistake for the UK to leave the EU. I tried to warn people, who were drunk on the 'take back control' mantra; I was laughed at. In the coming years we shall see more and more reasons why we should have stayed in the EU, not least because European unity will become nore vitally important.
          I don't want to start, or get involved in, any kind of political discussion, so let me just say that I agree with every word and leave it at that.


          • Andrew353w
            Full Member
            • Mar 2013
            • 26

            Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
            This is what happens when faulty thinking leads a government to set up a job creation scheme of jobs to counteract the "unfortunate" post-Brexit consequences of global capitalism's evolved trading arrangements:

            These checks at the ports are unnecessary and are being brought in by civil servants unhappy with the U.K.'s decision to leave the E.U. One of the early Brexit decisions was that our food standards agency, together with farming and rural affairs matters would be kept in EXACT harmony with E.U. rules and standards, precisely to stop any problems of this type. The "high-ups" in H.M.R.C. are insisting on these checks, in an effort to discredit Brexit. Although I'm now fully retired I was an officer of H.M.C.&.E. and subsequently H.M.R.C. for 30+ years and keep in touch with colleagues at seaports, who have confirmed this to me-off the record, of course-they haven't retired yet!


            • Dave2002
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 17998

              Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
              Bank statements - online banking .... Grrrr!

              I'll check next week - and report back - but really I find this kind of behaviour by banks really something to grumble about. If my hunch is right, this will sadly be ironic and amusing - but fits with the general indifference to service we seem to expect these days. If my hunch is wrong, then it would be less amusing - with a serious grumble about the lack of appropriate service availability when potential problems are noticed.
              Seems that the whole of these isles is out of action for yet another day.

              Tried phoning again, but "some of our departments are closed because of the bank holiday .... you can deal with things using the apps." Grrrrr! Really can't do with the apps at all.

              About the only good thing - which I had forgotten - is the fairly recent innovation so I can log in to the phone banking sysem without having to remember arcane bits of data.

              So maybe I'll get my query sorted tomorrow - sigh!


              • french frank
                • Feb 2007
                • 30076

                Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                So maybe I'll get my query sorted tomorrow - sigh!
                I do hope so. But maybe Sundays and Bank Holidays aren't the best time to get problems sorted? Worth a try but not necessarily bound to succeed.
                It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                • Serial_Apologist
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 37470

                  Originally posted by french frank View Post

                  I do hope so. But maybe Sundays and Bank Holidays aren't the best time to get problems sorted? Worth a try but not necessarily bound to succeed.
                  They nevertheless send out data submission requests on Bank Holidays - I got mine from EDF this morning and, wanting to get this now monthly chore out of the way, submitted my two readings online.

                  While on this matter, why does the password window never update my password? Every time I have to delete the line of astericks and put in the code I was told three months ago I had to update - and did! There appears to be no provision to tell them about this on the form.


                  • french frank
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 30076

                    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                    While on this matter, why does the password window never update my password? Every time I have to delete the line of astericks and put in the code I was told three months ago I had to update - and did! There appears to be no provision to tell them about this on the form.
                    Some seem to be stored/storable in your browser and some not. It's really annoying with the OED site since it upgraded that you are allowed one simple question free and if you want to know more you have to enter your library and library card number each time. I have a sticky with the number but have to enter the library manually each time.
                    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                    • LMcD
                      Full Member
                      • Sep 2017
                      • 8292

                      A semi-successful webchat with British Gas this morning. My efficient and helpful 'advisor' will process a refund on my electricity account, although this will take 20 working days. When I raised the issue of my still-not-working gas meter, he merely trotted out the standard line that this problem had been reported and was being addressed.


                      • antongould
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 8760

                        Originally posted by LMcD View Post
                        A semi-successful webchat with British Gas this morning. My efficient and helpful 'advisor' will process a refund on my electricity account, although this will take 20 working days. When I raised the issue of my still-not-working gas meter, he merely trotted out the standard line that this problem had been reported and was being addressed.
                        20 days is ridiculous …. just hanging on to your money for as long as they feel they can


                        • Old Grumpy
                          Full Member
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 3573

                          We have Calor LPG - our estimated consumption (and therefore months DD payment was calculated on the basis of previous occupants' usage. Recently we got a rebate of circa £400 and the monthly payment was reduced by about 40%.

                          The tank is normally refilled by tanker when it reaches 20% capacity. It is now at 13% and, despite several phone calls to Calor I still do not have date for a delivery - all they can tell me is that one has been "triggered".


                          • LMcD
                            Full Member
                            • Sep 2017
                            • 8292

                            Originally posted by antongould View Post

                            20 days is ridiculous …. just hanging on to your money for as long as they feel they can
                            I managed to crawl into the cupboard space under the stairs to read the meter with the help of my little torch, and assume that the reading that I sent them was accurate.

                            (I forgot to mention that back In January I was told that somebody would come and read my gas meter 'within 10 working days'. I can only assume that they must work VERY long days at BG).
                            Last edited by LMcD; 15-05-24, 17:28.


                            • teamsaint
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 25180

                              Originally posted by Old Grumpy View Post
                              We have Calor LPG - our estimated consumption (and therefore months DD payment was calculated on the basis of previous occupants' usage. Recently we got a rebate of circa £400 and the monthly payment was reduced by about 40%.

                              The tank is normally refilled by tanker when it reaches 20% capacity. It is now at 13% and, despite several phone calls to Calor I still do not have date for a delivery - all they can tell me is that one has been "triggered".
                              I’m sure they will be with you soon, OG.
                              my first job was in a big Calor distribution depot. We had a useless ICL computer , and a bit of common sense. Occasionally things went awry ( the first frost usually caused a deluge of pent up demand) but there was a golden rule. Under no circumstances were two customers allowed to be out of gas:

                              Folkestone Crematorium and Esther Rantzen. Possibly John ( lord) Oaksey too. Which obviously would be three.
                              I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                              I am not a number, I am a free man.


                              • Old Grumpy
                                Full Member
                                • Jan 2011
                                • 3573

                                Originally posted by teamsaint View Post

                                I’m sure they will be with you soon, OG.
                                my first job was in a big Calor distribution depot. We had a useless ICL computer , and a bit of common sense. Occasionally things went awry ( the first frost usually caused a deluge of pent up demand) but there was a golden rule. Under no circumstances were two customers allowed to be out of gas:

                                Folkestone Crematorium and Esther Rantzen. Possibly John ( lord) Oaksey too. Which obviously would be three.

                                Thanks TS

