The prize for the utterly useless goes to ...

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  • greenilex
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1626

    There is a training element in all this, just as with humans...

    Kittens, puppies and kiddies need careful attention to their toilet habits by poor old mum, missis or whoever.

    It is, as usual, mostly her fault...


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38179

      Originally posted by greenilex View Post
      There is a training element in all this, just as with humans...

      Kittens, puppies and kiddies need careful attention to their toilet habits by poor old mum, missis or whoever.

      It is, as usual, mostly her fault...
      Yes, the Cat Lit tray just inside the kitchen door where you forget she places it and its contents go flying when you enter. I feel sorry for the felines cooped up in urban flats because their owners are too scared to let them out: the neighbours' little black cat that sits staring longingly out through their lounge window, following me round with her eyes. They could make quick work of the slow-reacting pigeons (flying vermin). Cats fare best in rural locales, where territorial issues are mitigated by plentiful roaming provision.


      • gradus
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 5666

        Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
        Yes, the Cat Lit tray just inside the kitchen door where you forget she places it and its contents go flying when you enter. I feel sorry for the felines cooped up in urban flats because their owners are too scared to let them out: the neighbours' little black cat that sits staring longingly out through their lounge window, following me round with her eyes. They could make quick work of the slow-reacting pigeons (flying vermin). Cats fare best in rural locales, where territorial issues are mitigated by plentiful roaming provision.
        My view too.


        • Dave2002
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 18102

          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
          Cats fare best in rural locales, where territorial issues are mitigated by plentiful roaming provision.
          Up to a point lord Copper. They are indiscriminate about killing protected birds, and they can travel a lot further from their "home" than many humans imagine. If they want to kill rats and mice they're welcome. I think some humans are too soft - and assume that animals exhibit anthropomorphic behaviour. If cats are left out in the wild for a long while and survive they become feral - hardly cuddly, cute, Tiddles any more. In some countries, though fortunately not the UK, they also spread rabies - as do dogs.

          Someone I know was scratched by a cat. After a few days it wasn't getting better. One of his friends or colleaugues noticed, and told him to seek urgent medical help, which he did. He was told that he could have died within 24 hours as sepsis was about to take hold, though fortunately with treatment that did not happen.


          • jayne lee wilson
            • Jul 2011
            • 10711

            Let us all just remember: it's not the Cats' fault.

            To say that: "​they are indiscriminate about killing protected birds" is almost inverted anthropomorphism in itself, isn't it?
            Once freedom has been allowed, it is very hard to put Cats back into any kind of bag of confinement...

            As for the friendly resident Feral Pigeons...three pairs live on the house, and they and the local Cats seem to get along fine, event close quarters. Has anyone here ever seen a domestic or even a feral cat catch a healthy Pigeon? It would be unusually large prey for them.
            Only once here - a previously injured one (victim of an unsuccessful Sparrowhawk predation) which a very athletic Tabby of mine leapt into the air to catch upon its slowed, bedraggled attempt at take-off...

            But the Cat had no idea what to do with it. Left out on the lawn, the dead Pigeon disappeared during the night....

