20th January is the eve of St Agnes' Day - a Roman saint who was tortured and killed by her family because she refused to marry the husband set aside for her; her preference was to maintain her chastity for her Christian Faith. As a consequence, young unmarried women would use this evening to pray to her to show them their future husband in a dream this night. (Don't ask me for the logic in appealing to this particular Saint for the granting of this particular request.) Sometimes a little extra "help" was added to the prayers - including the baking of a "dumb" or "Dutch" cake (half flour, half salt! AND involving twirling round and round during the baking process and adding more salt: St Agnes should be the patroness of hypertension), and/or throwing hemp seeds (
) over the shoulder so that the face of the future husband might be seen in the dust that arose as a result.
Keats' poem (see "Poetry" Thread) gives in its entirety an example of what I suspect must have been many young men who used the occasion to "cheat" - in the poem, the "hero" hides in the heroine's bedroom, and makes sure that his is the first face she sees on waking. Cad!
On Radio 3 this day fifty years ago, the morning schedules from 7:00am - Noon consisted of
Overture ("from gramophone records")
Morning Concert (James Loughran conducting the BBCSSO)
This Week's Composer (Bach)
The Master Pianists (Godowski and Hoffmann
Talking About Music (Antony Hopkins)
Music Making (Iain Hamilton and Beethoven)
From the Proms

Keats' poem (see "Poetry" Thread) gives in its entirety an example of what I suspect must have been many young men who used the occasion to "cheat" - in the poem, the "hero" hides in the heroine's bedroom, and makes sure that his is the first face she sees on waking. Cad!
On Radio 3 this day fifty years ago, the morning schedules from 7:00am - Noon consisted of
Overture ("from gramophone records")
Morning Concert (James Loughran conducting the BBCSSO)
This Week's Composer (Bach)
The Master Pianists (Godowski and Hoffmann
Talking About Music (Antony Hopkins)
Music Making (Iain Hamilton and Beethoven)
From the Proms