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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18109


    This could go in the Tecchie section, but others may know about Skype too.

    Seems Skype - taken over by Microsoft, has been "updated" again. I don't use it often, but when I do it's useful. Sometimes I have to go through hoops to remember my password, or even my username. Now it seems that the latest version has made that even more difficult - real pain.

    I have the app on my iPad, and can access it on my MBP, and when I access these I get a page which seems to tell me "proudly" that it's been improved and revamped. Indeed - so much so that I now have no clue how to get in to the system, and I should still even have some credit on my SkypeIn account.

    I might have to try to recover some details by sending emails to people who knew me on Skype, to see if they can give me a handle on this.
  • Sir Velo
    Full Member
    • Oct 2012
    • 3306

    Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
    This could go in the Tecchie section, but others may know about Skype too.
    You may not be aware of this but if you click on the What's New button you will get all the new threads and posts irrespective of which forum they are initiated in. Therefore, you probably won't be reaching significantly more readers by worrying about which forum you have posted in.

    Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
    Seems Skype - taken over by Microsoft, has been "updated" again. I don't use it often, but when I do it's useful. Sometimes I have to go through hoops to remember my password, or even my username. Now it seems that the latest version has made that even more difficult - real pain.

    I have the app on my iPad, and can access it on my MBP, and when I access these I get a page which seems to tell me "proudly" that it's been improved and revamped. Indeed - so much so that I now have no clue how to get in to the system, and I should still even have some credit on my SkypeIn account.

    I might have to try to recover some details by sending emails to people who knew me on Skype, to see if they can give me a handle on this.
    I use Skype and have not had any issues. Have you tried the forgotten username/password link? This usually works I find.


    • Dave2002
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 18109

      Originally posted by Sir Velo View Post
      You may not be aware of this but if you click on the What's New button you will get all the new threads and posts irrespective of which forum they are initiated in. Therefore, you probably won't be reaching significantly more readers by worrying about which forum you have posted in.
      I nearly always look for the New posts. What you are writing is that most other peole who are bothered do the same, so it doesn't matter about where things get posted. Point taken, though I think not everyone does access the posts that way.

      I use Skype and have not had any issues. Have you tried the forgotten username/password link? This usually works I find.
      I think that was the point of my posting - the interface has changed, both in the IOS app, and in the one I have on my MBP. I have used the forgotten username/password features before - but things have changed.

      Sure - if I had Facebook (I don't - don't want to go there) - I could get in. I had all my user names and passwords in apps and files, but they got corrupted. Now I'm back to using paper and pen, and when I need to using the reminders.

      I am currently resorting to one of the methods I suggested before - contacting previous Skype contacts via email. I might be able to trawl through my emails looking for clues too.


      • Lat-Literal
        • Aug 2015
        • 6983

        Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
        This could go in the Tecchie section, but others may know about Skype too.

        Seems Skype - taken over by Microsoft, has been "updated" again. I don't use it often, but when I do it's useful. Sometimes I have to go through hoops to remember my password, or even my username. Now it seems that the latest version has made that even more difficult - real pain.

        I have the app on my iPad, and can access it on my MBP, and when I access these I get a page which seems to tell me "proudly" that it's been improved and revamped. Indeed - so much so that I now have no clue how to get in to the system, and I should still even have some credit on my SkypeIn account.

        I might have to try to recover some details by sending emails to people who knew me on Skype, to see if they can give me a handle on this.
        Dave, I could never understand Skype so as to put it onto my system. Hopefully this time around it will be easier. My main criticism of it, though, is in its use on television (especially on BBC news channels through the night) just as I don't like the frequency of mobile phones on radio. Both constantly break down. It can be like experiencing a broadcast from the 1930s. Which isn't so much ironic as totally unbelievable when all the emphasis elsewhere is on technological advances. What is the point of having modern gear with grainy inaudible content?


        • ChrisBennell
          Full Member
          • Sep 2014
          • 171

          I used to use Skype - until I discovered Facetime - which I have used frequently for chatting with my daughter in Sydney on my iPad. I don't know about the current Skype, but Facetime always had much better video quality and was much more reliable over this distance. Occasionally it can lose a connection, but most times recovers itself without any interaction from me. I can even take the iPad into the garden and it still maintains the connection. I can't see any need (for me) to go back to Skype - . I also had a video call from Sydney via WhatsApp today, on my Samsung Galaxy phone - and that also worked fine.


          • Richard Tarleton

            I use Skype regularly to talk to sister in England and cousins in Australia - both connections excellent. We have had 3-way England-Canada-Wales chats. I don't do the others, I'm delighted with Skype.

