I have received an email from Graham Froud to say that our dear friend Donald, Hornspieler to us, passed away peacefully on 3rd January. I know that his many friends on the Forum will also wish to pass on their condolences. I did not meet Donald, but had the pleasure both of reading his contributions over many years and of exchanging emails with him offline. I know that he will be missed by many, including by his distinguished fellow professionals on the forum. His entertaining reminiscences of players and conductors gave much pleasure. I realised after one such private exchange that, to my great delight, I had once seen him on stage – at Exeter University, in early 1971, with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra under the great Jascha Horenstein – they played Schumann’s Rhenish Symphony and Strauss Also Sprach Zarathustra, the first piece of Strauss I’d heard live and one which made a deep impression.
