Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte
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My main point is that actually I think the discussion here has a lot to say about the podcast phenomenon. To the extent that it exists - with the parallel question of whether conventional radio will disappear within ten years - I would say that the youth are tuning out from conventional radio's agendas rather than into something considered truly wonderful. All that awful depressing news, the constant gender and race wars, and especially the absolute emphasis on illness and death. Who would want it? I would have hated it at that age even more than I do now. It is just that older people haven't learnt how to do it yet or if they have they always end up stumbling on sex and the celebrity which is no good at all. Has anyone seen Naked Unattraction? That one is conventional television and, honestly, all it shows you in a fascistic way is that everyone is a slab on time's conveyer belt. You can see the old grandparents waiting to occur in every performer. Incidentally they would never have dared to have a male presenter as it would have caused masses of complaints so it is very sneaky in that way.
It is at every turn, this. I have submitted a formal complaint to the ASA on the advert for the heart charity which goes "Heart disease, heart disease, heart disease, heart disease, heart disease, heart disease, heart disease.....dementia". I have said that it mocks people with dementia in the way it is done. It is deeply upsetting to people who have those conditions or relatives - I have one with each. It seeks to draw a link between two illnesses based on limited research undertaken so recently it hasn't been challenged. And I have said it terrorises with technique in a way that would be spared on real terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay. I was thinking of trying to go back to canoeing. The news was full of some bloke who drowned at my lake. I was thinking of walking alongside seals in Norfolk. The news is full of some bloke in Scotland who was attacked by seals and died when climbing up a cliff to escape them. I'm absolutely sick of it because it is sick. It is as sick as the 70,000 young people being stabbed etc per annum because they are all so afraid by what is presented to them off podcast.
I recently prepared for winter/depression/bereavement/my demise - god only knows - by buying two DVD players and masses and masses of second hand sitcom DVDs. I haven't quite got into the vein of it yet but I was again reminded yesterday by conventional television of how significant media inputs are. Miserable beyond belief for 15 hours, I found Father Ted and within just seconds was laughing out loud. It felt maniacal but it wasn't really as I always laughed out loud to it. God bless them. So we all underestimate these things at our peril.
And now back to the grids.
