Originally posted by Beef Oven!
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I realise that none of this matters to Leavers who were more interested in sovereignty (as if we were no longer a sovereign state) and immigration (as if the country were not a beneficiary of immigration).
Dougan is a constitutional lawyer who was spelling out the legal implications of leaving the EU and the influence which the UK already had as one of the leading nations within the Union. It is of no relevance who funded him, though that also seems to be another source of Leave misinformation. As Dougan said:
'I'm an employee of the University of Liverpool, my entire salary is paid by the University of Liverpool, and the University of Liverpool does not receive a penny of external funding in order to pay that salary… In 2006, the University of Liverpool was awarded a Jean Monnet Chair – a form of EU grant – consisting of €36,000. Under the terms of the grant, part of the money was spent on a major academic conference, the outputs from which were published by the usual process of international peer review. The remaining funds were spent on general teaching costs.'