Originally posted by Richard Barrett
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The combination of advanced contraception and the possibility of legalised abortion in the 60s should have been ideal timing so far as liberal people were concerned. Had legalised abortion arrived in the days when contraception was useless one would have expected the number of abortions to be high. That it didn't and it arrived at the time of better contraception was a great opportunity for abortions to be safe and also low in number. Instead, there are a million abortions per year in the US. They are of nothing like that level in the UK but they are rising especially for people in their 30s/40s. We the public don't know why. More chance of problems in pregnancy at that age perhaps or rather less substantial or careful reasons in some adults. No doubt a small minority. But we need to be far more informed and open on these matters before having to deal with the massive issues to be raised by Crispr Cas9.
Originally posted by french frank
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Originally posted by jean
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