It seems 1984 is shortly to arrive. Oh damn, it's already passed. Anyway, according to Law in Action today...
...about 17 mins from start (ignore another distopian future with driverless cars)....the new General Data Protection Regulation is shortly to come into force. As I understand it, anybody or any organisation which holds any information whatsoever about anyone will have a legal obligation to inform everyone about what data they hold and give them the option to have it deleted. Erm. The word 'billions' comes to mind, but even that does not begin to cover the mind-blowing consequences. Just for starters, will this Forum have to contact all its members past and present? And what about all the cookies that allow (for instance) Amazon to know your shoe-size and holiday preferences?
You just have to sit down with a stiff whisky. You can't even light up a Hamlet to background Bach anymore.......
I have my own forecast. Lawyers getting even richer!
...about 17 mins from start (ignore another distopian future with driverless cars)....the new General Data Protection Regulation is shortly to come into force. As I understand it, anybody or any organisation which holds any information whatsoever about anyone will have a legal obligation to inform everyone about what data they hold and give them the option to have it deleted. Erm. The word 'billions' comes to mind, but even that does not begin to cover the mind-blowing consequences. Just for starters, will this Forum have to contact all its members past and present? And what about all the cookies that allow (for instance) Amazon to know your shoe-size and holiday preferences?
You just have to sit down with a stiff whisky. You can't even light up a Hamlet to background Bach anymore.......
I have my own forecast. Lawyers getting even richer!
