PMD Speaks His Mind

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  • Petrushka
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 12435

    PMD Speaks His Mind

    Can't believe no one has picked up on this story.

    Personally, I think that hitting culprits in the wallet is too kind. The public stocks for them!

    But don't most theatres have jamming now?
    "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
  • mangerton
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 3346

    Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
    Can't believe no one has picked up on this story.

    Personally, I think that hitting culprits in the wallet is too kind. The public stocks for them!

    But don't most theatres have jamming now?
    I quite agree with the sentiment. I rather think that jamming would be illegal.


    • 3rd Viennese School

      Not just in concert halls. I would like to see them banned on trains and buses. And in the office. And everywhere really.

      People should use them at home, or, outside, discreetly by a back wall somewhere. And if they are texting, why does the volume need to be on?

      Why, only the other day, I was on the bus going to Tenterden (see cheers thread!) trying to listen to Lutoslawski symphony no.3 and the woman right behind me was shouting into her mobile.

      Makes me so cross.
      Yours Disgusted and from Kent



      • Mr Pee
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 3285

        Jamming is illegal in the UK- but I think it should be legal in certain places- theatres, concert halls, trains, buses, art galleries, restaurants, pubs, cafes, cinemas, and if at all possible motor vehicles. The number of people who drive whilst texting or chatting on their mobile is staggering.
        Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

        Mark Twain.


        • MrGongGong
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 18357

          I couldn't possibly comment


          this is the Ofcom stance

          Alternatives to jammers
          It is understandable that the owners of theatres, cinemas, concert halls, restaurants etc may want to restrict the use of mobile phones within their premises but jamming is an inappropriate means of achieving this. The alternative, legal way to do this is by education and publicity in informing users to keep mobile phones switched off when requested to do so. This may be assisted by the use of cellphone detectors at entrances that, without transmitting any interfering signal, give visible and/or audible warnings if an active device is nearby.

          I would go for the bucket of water myself !


          • Old Grumpy
            Full Member
            • Jan 2011
            • 3690

            I have always (perhaps naively) assumed that when people's phones ring in concerts/theatres it's because they have forgotten to turn them off - but perhaps there are indeed those who are so (self) important that they feel they need to leave their phone on. In the latter case they certainly deserved to be humiliated and thrown out!


            • cavatina

              When I'm Arena-promenading, I always take my battery completely out of my phone. It's the only way to be sure I'll make it out of the venue alive... Perhaps I should do my bit to help ensure the peace by smuggling in one of these:



              • mangerton
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 3346

                Originally posted by cavatina View Post
                When I'm Arena-promenading, I always take my battery completely out of my phone. It's the only way to be sure I'll make it out of the venue alive... Perhaps I should do my bit to help ensure the peace by smuggling in one of these:

                Yes, well, as I thought and Mr Pee confirmed, these devices are illegal in the UK. So do go ahead.


                • cavatina

                  Yes, well, as I thought and Mr Pee confirmed, these devices are illegal in the UK. So do go ahead.
                  Oh dear. Were you planning on ratting me out at the border, or would you find it more amusing to have me busted at Royal Albert Hall...?

                  Hm, let's see...looks like the small ones only have a range of 15-30 feet anyway. Since none of the Elite Prommers would ever dream of doing anything so thoughtless and gauche, it's a bit of a waste, isn't it? The only advantage might be if it reached the stalls and prevented Norman Lebrecht from tweeting during the concert. (I wonder how much money I could raise toward that worthy end if I took up a collection..?) On second thought, perhaps I should hide my device amongst the fatcat boxes up in the Grand Tier, the veritable epicenter of nuisance ringing-- but then, it might keep somebody from being able to get his live cricket scores, so that's completely unacceptable and just wouldn't do at all.

                  Oh well, it was a nice idea.


                  • salymap
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5969

                    Does anyone remember how the 'presenter/announcer' used to sit precariously on the edge of the corner box in the Grand Tier to introduce concerts? I always half expected Richard Baker or someone else to fall into the Stalls below.


                    • MrGongGong
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 18357

                      Originally posted by cavatina View Post
                      Elite Prommers

                      are these the buffoons who by their visual antics seem to reinforce all the stereotypes that many of us are trying to dispel ?
                      In addition to a jammer could the RAH not invest in some electrodes to be applied to sensitive parts of the body and activated when they start the whole "heave , ho" piano lid malarkey ?


                      • cavatina

                        Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                        C: Elite Prommers
                        MGG: are these the buffoons who by their visual antics seem to reinforce all the stereotypes that many of us are trying to dispel ?
                        Er, did you say something? Didn't catch that.
                        (Standing amongst the Chosen has a wonderful way of teaching one the wisdom of selective hearing, doesn't it... )

                        In addition to a jammer could the RAH not invest in some electrodes to be applied to sensitive parts of the body and activated when they start the whole "heave , ho" piano lid malarkey ?
                        You know, I don't think all the Lillet in the world could possibly get me drunk enough to post what I thought about this one. Sorry!


                        • vinteuil
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 13192

                          Originally posted by cavatina View Post

                          You know, I don't think all the Lillet in the world :
                          for our English readers -

                          and not

                          At Lil-Lets, we’re passionate about providing you with the best period protection. So whether you prefer applicator or non-applicator tampons, choose pads over tampons, or want to go organic we have something that’s exactly right for you.


                          • cavatina

                            Love their poll, though...

                            What helps when PMT is getting you down?

                            Light exercise
                            Hot water bottle
                            Bubble bath
                            Screaming at anyone in your way!
                            Great. Something else I can't crack a joke about...


                            • 3rd Viennese School

                              PMD :I've used plain song in this! And, in this piece Ive.. TURN THAT !**!!£%!! PHONE OFF!

                              A true story. I was at a concert and needed my phone on cause its also a clock. Ages before the music started I remembered the volume was on. So I turned the volume off. Unfortunatly its a very noisy process cause it bleeps at each volume as you scale it down to nothing.

                              The death threat looks I recieved! Erm, Im actually turning the volume off!!??
                              (Note. Still half an houer to go until the music)


