Emma Chambers RIP

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  • BBMmk2
    Late Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 20908

    Emma Chambers RIP

    I'm very surprised that there is not a post in tribute to that great actress, Emma Chambers. Because she was a great comedy actress, who unfortunately died of a heart attack. she had a lot do deal with in lifetime , with asthma and eczema, etc. She couldn't really touch animals, even though she lived on a farm! I think she was at her best in the jokes at the end of each episode of The Vicar of Dibbly, especially the "Utterly butterlyjoke.

    RIP Emma Chambers
    Don’t cry for me
    I go where music was born

    J S Bach 1685-1750
  • Mary Chambers
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1963

    I agree, Bbm. The scripts were good, but it takes brilliant timing to put them over as well as she did. I think it was “I can’t believe it’s not butter”, wasn’t it? It’s very sad that she died so young.

    I’ve been interested, and surprised about, how many seriously intellectual people watched The Vicar of Dibley. Good for them!


    • BBMmk2
      Late Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 20908

      That's us then Mary!

      Yes, I can't believe it's not butter!
      Don’t cry for me
      I go where music was born

      J S Bach 1685-1750


      • Eine Alpensinfonie
        • Nov 2010
        • 20590

        I first recall seeing her as Charity Pecksmith in the BBC adaptation of Dickens' Martin Chuzzlewit. She could do serious acting as well as comedy.


        • Padraig
          Full Member
          • Feb 2013
          • 4273

          Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
          I'm very surprised that there is not a post in tribute to that great actress, Emma Chambers.
          RIP Emma Chambers
          On Lat's thread about British Comedy on Television I mentioned Emma Chambers/Alice Tinker, a couple of days ago. Sorry it was not specific enough.


          • BBMmk2
            Late Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 20908

            Originally posted by Padraig View Post
            On Lat's thread about British Comedy on Television I mentioned Emma Chambers/Alice Tinker, a couple of days ago. Sorry it was not specific enough.
            No problem Padraig. A pity she had all these problems with her health. Some of which I can empathise.
            Don’t cry for me
            I go where music was born

            J S Bach 1685-1750


            • Serial_Apologist
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 38185

              No age at all. Why is it the nicest people so often have to go so soon? Answers by flying pig mail please.


              • vinteuil
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 13194

                Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                No age at all. Why is it the nicest people so often have to go so soon? Answers by flying pig mail please.
                ... ah, you're looking for a sense of justice, a meaning, in this life, eh?

                Sorry, that's not how things are...



                • Lat-Literal
                  • Aug 2015
                  • 6983

                  Originally posted by Padraig View Post
                  On Lat's thread about British Comedy on Television I mentioned Emma Chambers/Alice Tinker, a couple of days ago. Sorry it was not specific enough.
                  Yes, thanks for that Padraig, and also to Brassbandmaestro for this thread.

                  Padraig, I picked up on your comment in a post about other things by inserting an RIP to Emma although I didn't comment.

                  A fine actress who by all accounts was a lovely person. She described herself as a diva but I am not sure that it rings true. When the news broke, I read an article from around 2003 - I can't find it now because the search engine is just bringing forward obituaries - in which she described the severity of her asthma and excema. She had on occasion been hospitalised by them and they had nearly killed her when she was rather younger. I believe she had added that while she was very happy to have been given the role of Alice - it is impossible to think of anyone else who could have been more successful playing that character - she was really worried when a script arrived for the nativity scene involving proximity to many animals.

                  Her Alice style was influential. I have seen several actresses who have played similar characters and they have clearly been chosen because they could "do" an Emma. While merited, she was lucky to have been given "Vicar". It will continue to be a go-to series every Christmas on the grounds that it is more apt than some series as well as having a cracking script in an older, traditional style. It was, of course, a Richard Curtis vehicle. I have a confusing view of Curtis. His "Four Weddings and a Funeral" is, officially, my least favourite film of all time and "Notting Hill" in which she also had a role is not far behind it. But I realise that each has given pleasure to many people which is more important than what I happen to think.

                  RIP Emma Chambers
                  Last edited by Lat-Literal; 27-02-18, 16:53.


                  • Conchis
                    • Jun 2014
                    • 2396

                    Originally posted by Lat-Literal View Post
                    Yes, thanks for that Padraig, and also to Brassbandmaestro for this thread.

                    Padraig, I picked up on your comment in a post about other things by inserting an RIP to Emma although I didn't comment.

                    A fine actress who by all accounts was a lovely person. She described herself as a diva but I am not sure that it rings true. When the news broke, I read an article from around 2003 - I can't find it now because the search engine is just bringing forward obituaries - in which she described the severity of her asthma and excema. She had on occasion been hospitalised by them and they had nearly killed her when she was rather younger. I believe she had added that while she was very happy to have been given the role of Alice - it is impossible to think of anyone else who could have been more successful playing that character - she was really worried when a script arrived for the nativity scene involving proximity to many animals.

                    Her Alice style was influential. I have seen several actresses who have played similar characters and they have clearly been chosen because they could "do" an Emma. While merited, she was lucky to have been given "Vicar". It will continue to be a go-to series every Christmas on the grounds that it is more apt than some series as well as having a cracking script in an older, traditional style. It was, of course, a Richard Curtis vehicle. I have a confusing view of Curtis. His "Four Weddings and a Funeral" is, officially, my least favourite film of all time and "Notting Hill" in which she also had a role is not far behind it. But I realise that each have given pleasure to many people which is more important than what I happen to think.

                    RIP Emma Chambers

                    I didn't like Four Weddings....or Nottingh Hill at all and I was no fan of ....Dibley but Emma Chambers was a very skilled actress on the evidence of her appearances in those vehicles.

                    The role of Charity Pecksmith is also a comic role, of course. I'm sure she could do 'straight' dramatic roles but skilled comediennes are in such short supply they tend to be used in comedy.

