As a Council Tax payer in Manchester, I object very strongly to my money being wasted in this way. It appears that the removal of this work of art (one of Manchester Art Gallery's most iconic pieces) has been videoed for a forthcoming exhibition by a performance artist called Sonia Boyce, a new name to me but I understand she is a major figure in this branch of art and has an MBE to her name. This type of censorship is utterly inexcusable - nobody has to look at the painting who feels that he/she may be offended - and should be punished by the dismissal without notice of Clare Gannaway and others who assisted in this censorship. I would urge everyone to boycott the Sonia Boyce exhibition, which starts later this month. If the painting is not restored to its rightful place very quickly it may become an issue in May's Council election.
More info: There is no mention of this on the Manchester Art Gallery site:
More info: There is no mention of this on the Manchester Art Gallery site: