Gallery removes naked nymphs painting to 'prompt conversation'

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  • Eine Alpensinfonie
    • Nov 2010
    • 20586

    If they've moved it, how can anyone discuss its content?


    • Demetrius
      Full Member
      • Sep 2011
      • 276

      Originally posted by doversoul1 View Post
      Manchester Art Gallery has asked the question after removing John William Waterhouse’s Hylas and the Nymphs, one of the most recognisable of the pre-Raphaelite paintings, from its walls. Postcards of the painting will be removed from sale in the shop.

      Should we be laughing or worried, or give up?

      HOST: If you think this should be on The General Art, please move it. And which painting will be the next target?
      Judging from afar and by reading some not too enlightening articles (journalism seems to be about copy-pasting these days), the taking down of the painting is more intended to target attitudes towards the art (like the "in pursuit of beauty" title of the room, which does come of a bit .... ), rather than let's say 'nudity is bad, go censorship, go, go'. As such, it isn't a bad idea in itself. They could have avoided the "pc gone mad" issue by either rearranging the room and juxtaposition the art with something else [If performance art is needed, one could even stage something next to the painting in interval], instead of displaying a den of naked breasts as they seem to have done till now. Removing the picture means that they deprive the public of seeing art, without necessarily creating the discussion the performance artist and the museum want to push. Moreover, an artist using someone elses efforts to draw attention to themselves is a bit of bad taste, I think.

      There is already an incredible amount of art and historical artifacts in the cellars of museums [due to space issues], displacing the art we've been displaying up to now in favor of a message board is not the most brilliant solution.


      • pastoralguy
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 7916

        Well, why stop there? Let's ban the Beethoven Symphonies with their undue length, unprepared dissonances and, god help us, REVOLUTIONARY rhetoric! Good heavens, the 6th and 9th have more than 4 movements!

        As Dugal would say, 'Down with this sort of thing'!


        • Anastasius
          Full Member
          • Mar 2015
          • 1860

          Ah, 2018. The Year of the Puritan Reformation. Must remember to cover those piano legs.

          Or was 2018 the year when we finally lost all sense of perspective and common-sense ?
          Fewer Smart things. More smart people.


          • Stanfordian
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 9361

            Originally posted by Anastasius View Post
            Ah, 2018. The Year of the Puritan Reformation. Must remember to cover those piano legs.

            Or was 2018 the year when we finally lost all sense of perspective and common-sense ?
            I've just viewed a programme on The Discovery Channel about hidden tribes (uncontacted tribes they are called) in the Amazon jungle. As the tribespeople were not wearing any clothes around genitals and breasts those areas had been blurred out. It's like going back to Victorian values. Who is encouraging this madness? Are they elected?

            If this censorship continues children will become ashamed of their bodies - rather like a return to Victorian times.
            Last edited by Stanfordian; 02-02-18, 15:13.


            • greenilex
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 1626

              As I see it the possible reactions to the gallery initiative might be:

              Relief that a work designed for the titillation of elderly gents has been unmasked

              Rage that female children’s mammary glands are exposed...rather than male chidren’s parts?

              Distaste from people with religious objections to public soft porn

              Pleasure that people have started talking openly

              Etc. Etc.


              • Richard Tarleton

                The latest programme in Andrew Graham Dixon's Art, Passion and Power programmes about the Royal Collections included a fascinating insight into Queen Victoria - see from about 36 minutes onwards. In 1852 she gave Albert just such a "voyeur" painting - not Pre-R, too early for that, but by Winterhalter, of a bloke spying on a bevy of naked female pulchritude - as AG-D put it, high Victorian soft porn. The painting hangs over the desk in Osborne House where the two of them sat side by side to go through the red boxes. Victoria thought it a beautiful painting of beautiful women, and that it was probably intended, AG-D says, to remind Albert to stay in touxch with his sexy side.


                • BBMmk2
                  Late Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 20908

                  How stupid! Gawd!
                  Don’t cry for me
                  I go where music was born

                  J S Bach 1685-1750


                  • jean
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 7100

                    You have all forgotten John Berger and Ways of Seeing, haven't you?

                    Here it is. Chapter 3.


                    • Richard Tarleton

                      Originally posted by jean View Post
                      You have all forgotten John Berger and Ways of Seeing, haven't you?

                      Here it is. Chapter 3.
                      No indeed, and thank you jean for the prompt - it's been on the shelves for a while, ever since my wife's art and design degree course, and I've only dipped into it, will now read it properly. OT, I had a lively debate (in print) a few years back with colleagues on "landscape" - what it is, how we see it, how no two people see the same thing...I was taking issue with the aesthetes....


                      • MrGongGong
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 18357

                        Seems to be working very well indeed

                        Stimulating discussion amongst all sorts of folk who would never go to a gallery
                        along with those who are making assumptions about "censorship" etc

                        It is aslo in preparation for another exhibition by Sonia Boyce

                        Dame Sonia Boyce OBE is a British Afro-Caribbean artist who lives and works in London. She studied at Stourbridge College, West Midlands. Boyce’s early work addressed issues of race and gender in the media and…

                        It does seem to have rattled a few cages, which is to be encouraged. Art isn't just something "pretty" to take up wall space.
                        Last edited by MrGongGong; 02-02-18, 13:48.


                        • eighthobstruction
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 6527

                 a young lad at the time of the first Page Three....I am completely on Queen Victoria's [s'?] wavelength....
                          bong ching


                          • Alain Maréchal
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 1289

                            Originally posted by pastoralguy View Post
                            Well, why stop there? Let's ban the Beethoven Symphonies with their undue length, unprepared dissonances and, god help us, REVOLUTIONARY rhetoric! Good heavens, the 6th and 9th have more than 4 movements!

                            As Dugal would say, 'Down with this sort of thing'!
                            Manchester should certainly consider banning performances of Lemminkainen and the Virgins of the Island, which depicts in sound rather more than this painting does. Perhaps Kullervo would have to go as well, and the Paris version of Tannhauser.


                            • eighthobstruction
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 6527

                              ....just trying to say something witty about certain Eric Gill sculptures on Broadcasting House, couldn't immediately find anything that took my fancy (not a short version anyway)....noticed that Wiki fails to note as they do with most others : Eric Gill Private/Personal Life....just as well probably....
                              bong ching


                              • MrGongGong
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 18357

                                Originally posted by vinteuil View Post

                                ... whereas on the other side of the Channel, the French government is currently suing facebook for having censored, by closing down the account of a user who uploaded it, the (very explicit) Courbet 1866 'l'Origine du Monde' currently at the Musée d'Orsay -

                                VIDÉO - Le réseau social américain comparaissait jeudi devant quatrième chambre civile du tribunal de Paris qui doit trancher le litige l'opposant à un internaute. En 2011, l'enseignant avait vu son compte supprimé au motif qu'il avait publié une reproduction du tableau de Gustave Courbet. Le...

                                There are times when I really do wish I were French....

                                They do like to tell people (or rather WOMEN) what to wear or not though
                                so i'm not sure we should be taking too much inspiration from the way they go about some things (though the cheese is great and IRCAM is to be envied)

