Amateur_51: where is he?
Originally posted by MickyD View PostOh, amateur51, you were in my part of the world and didn't drop by!!- my chums are near Montelimar in deepest countryside & very nice too. All I have to do is the washing-up every morning and buy the occasional treat and I get fed & watered for a week - they're offering longer next time but I don't like to outstay my welcome.
Never mind, Amateur51, another time perhaps! Incidentally, I don't know if you saw my message on the Freeview thread, but I mentioned that I was currently reading a recent and very well-written biography of Margaret Rutherford by Andy Merriman. He's unearthed all sorts of fascinating anecdotes and I can't put the thing down! It looks like you can pick up a copy on Amazon for aroud 4 quid, but you may have got yours already!
Originally posted by MickyD View PostNever mind, Amateur51, another time perhaps! Incidentally, I don't know if you saw my message on the Freeview thread, but I mentioned that I was currently reading a recent and very well-written biography of Margaret Rutherford by Andy Merriman. He's unearthed all sorts of fascinating anecdotes and I can't put the thing down! It looks like you can pick up a copy on Amazon for aroud 4 quid, but you may have got yours already!
Like me, she had a long struggle with depression I think and there was a family history of mental illness too so it's a miracle that she managed to have such a wonderful career. The sight/sound of her always cheers me up and when I am faced with a daunting task, say arguing with the benefits people, I often prepare by asking myself 'what would Margaret Rutherford say?'
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostMany thanks, MickyD - I must get this pronto.
Like me, she had a long struggle with depression I think and there was a family history of mental illness too so it's a miracle that she managed to have such a wonderful career. The sight/sound of her always cheers me up and when I am faced with a daunting task, say arguing with the benefits people, I often prepare by asking myself 'what would Margaret Rutherford say?'
She is a legend. Tempted to get this book also Micky.
Is there anything better, on a dark rainy winter weekend afternoon, than to find "Murder at the Gallop" or one of her other 'Marple' films on the TV? Comfort viewing if ever there was.
Miss Marple: Are you implying that I am unhinged?
Det. Insp. Craddock: No. No, of course not!
Miss Marple: Then what are you implying, pray?
Det. Insp. Craddock: Well, just that you are temporarily not yourself.
Miss Marple: Chief Inspector, I am always myself! I'm quite sure you mean well, but if you imagine that I'm going to sit back and let everyone regard me as a dotty old maid, you're very much mistaken.
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
The Benn connection was news to me, Pianorak.
You shouldn't hesitate to get the book, Caliban. I quite agree about the comfort viewing - for me she is at her absolute best crossing swords with the equally wonderful Alastair Sim in "The Happiest Days of Your Life." Marvellous stuff, best enjoyed with a large pot of tea, crumpets and scones nearby!