I think he could see it for the baloney that it all was and in a fit of pique chose to take them to task. Quite rightly two. Just two months before my father's passing we weren't able to visit him for over three weeks, can you believe, because of his ward being shut due to an outbreak of norvovirus. So, if things are that bad then patients need every protection they can get from the intrusion of camera crews and particularly the persistent lurgy of opportunistic politicians.
It must have been quite traumatic for the thousands of patients that seemed to wake up with Thatcher frowning down on them for years, but imagine coming around to be confronted by messrs Cam, Cleg & Lan!!
You'd think to yourself, the doctors said it was bad. I didn't know it was this bad!!
It must have been quite traumatic for the thousands of patients that seemed to wake up with Thatcher frowning down on them for years, but imagine coming around to be confronted by messrs Cam, Cleg & Lan!!
You'd think to yourself, the doctors said it was bad. I didn't know it was this bad!!