I don't think this forum is a bubble any more than the C of E is a bubble. The problem ,as I understand it as I very rarely use it , with Facebook , which is overwhelmingly the predominant social medium, is that one can create a cocoon of like minded souls and news feeds giving one a distorted view of the world . It differs say from reading the Guardian or Telegraph in its all -pervasiveness and the sheer amount of time people spend on it . Many of these news feeds are poorly evidenced and designed to provoke anger or unthinking consent - anything for a click really .
What is good about this forum is the quality of evidence people use to support their assertions. It is interesting to observe , for want of a better word the psychopathology of some web fora where the commenters know each other well, know their trigger points and almost seem to be spoiling for a fight .
It might be though that the reticence of people on this forum means that the following opinions are rarely heard -
1. Bernard Haitink is an indifferent conductor
2 Katie Derham is an excellent presenter
3 . Twelve tone music will never catch on
4 . On the whole the move to more popular fare on R3 has been a good thing.
Or it could be that those who think these things have chosen to go elsewhere .....
What is good about this forum is the quality of evidence people use to support their assertions. It is interesting to observe , for want of a better word the psychopathology of some web fora where the commenters know each other well, know their trigger points and almost seem to be spoiling for a fight .
It might be though that the reticence of people on this forum means that the following opinions are rarely heard -
1. Bernard Haitink is an indifferent conductor
2 Katie Derham is an excellent presenter
3 . Twelve tone music will never catch on
4 . On the whole the move to more popular fare on R3 has been a good thing.
Or it could be that those who think these things have chosen to go elsewhere .....