Originally posted by P. G. Tipps
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BBC Salaries - progress
Originally posted by Lat-Literal View PostI really don't know how some people get their jobs - proven holocaust deniers are clearly totally untrustworthy in terms of having any relationship with factual truths.
That said, anyone who toys with these sensitive issues deserves all they get in retaliation. Stupid, stupid man. He got his comeuppance.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by P. G. Tipps View PostI may indeed be 'wrong' ... that's perfectly possible even when I'm pretty sure I'm right ... but I do insist on reading "controversial" articles in full rather than selective quotes taken entirely out of context by opponents.
As I said in another place one often has to look for oneself for the whole truth ...
The imprisonment of David Irving is the very quintessence of European hypocrisy towards Jews. ... As it happens, I have read most of David Irving's works. He is a brilliant researcher, is partly mad, and is clearly bad. But those who say he denies the Nazi programme of genocide of Jews simply haven't read his writings.
However, maybe it's also wise for me to now say no more on what is a completely different issue from huge salaries for a lucky few at the BBC!
Certain words especially leap out in that article - "purity", the inversion of the Nazi's programme of racial purity to justify a daft questioning of the exact numbers of death - ie he says that the six million is not a pure number ; "probably" - dismissive in tone - for his idea that most may have been worked to death; the designed-to-outrage description of the gas chambers as "irrelevant", doubly dismissive almost to the point of "who cares?"; and the suggestion that Irving is generally reported as a "consistent" denier when the focus of the trial in the same year as the article was on specific offences in 1989. Irving admitted to being a holocaust denier. When the article was written in 2006 by Myers it was penned to refute that admission so it is an article that goes further than Irving did. The "academic" was, of course, still in short trousers when the war ended. The "journalist" was spawned after the war so neither could possibly know the facts from personal experience. So focussed are they on the lobbies for the groups of people who were facing wipe out and good states with considerable sympathies towards them, they tend to forget one thing. That is, many of us had non Jewish, non gypsy, non black, non gay, no axe to grind relatives who had to go in to sort out Belsen. They really must take us for monkeys if they expect that they can slip in what is really an early version of fake news and hope it will be accepted if it's served with fake hand wringing window dressing. Let me throw one into the equation. Probably most were not worked to death but murdered by being kept starved in insanitary conditions. That was what I was told anecdotally by someone who had merely been there and who had not spent half his life peculiarly poring over a few documents that had no personal relevance to him at all.
All of this arises out of a BBC that walks into traps as soon as they are laid out for them. Where are we on this now? Almost week three? It's a public relations disaster and someone should be taking the responsibility. A BBC that has until this point been considered by many on the right to be not sufficiently supportive of Jewish people in contrast with its painstaking way of trying to optimize other diversity. That takes some doing. I will give Myers that but only to the extent that I will now claim the BBC discriminates against London when evidence is to the contrary. Easy and trite. The fact that he has turned the gender debate almost completely on its head is not so original but its lack of nuance renders it as malevolently phony.Last edited by Lat-Literal; 31-07-17, 08:57.
Originally posted by french frank View PostHowever, sometimes one has to go back to the original before passing judgement. I suspect Myers was being a deliberate contrarian as some (!) journalists enjoy being. What he actually said was : "I'm a holocaust denier; but I also believe that the Nazis planned the extermination of the Jewish people, as far as their evil hands could reach." He was simply questioning the meaning of 'holocaust', saying the word could only be considered 'a metaphor'; and he questioned the fact that 6 million had come to mean 6,000,000 - no more no less ('efficient though the Nazis were, they were not so clinically precise as to kill six million Jews โ not a Jew more, or not a Jew less').
That said, anyone who toys with these sensitive issues deserves all they get in retaliation. Stupid, stupid man. He got his comeuppance.- and the "insensitive toying" suggests that his comments on two of the BBC's Jewish employees are motivated by other than "being quite complimentary". (And, if he could simply have substituted "Scottish" for "Jewish", we might (?should?) ask why he did not do so. )
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by french frank View Post...Stupid, stupid man...
Look at his emphatic endorsement of David Irving in Scotty's link above. And if you need any background to that, read Deborah Lipstadt's book, or see the film.
Originally posted by french frank View PostHowever, sometimes one has to go back to the original before passing judgement. I suspect Myers was being a deliberate contrarian as some (!) journalists enjoy being. What he actually said was : "I'm a holocaust denier; but I also believe that the Nazis planned the extermination of the Jewish people, as far as their evil hands could reach." He was simply questioning the meaning of 'holocaust', saying the word could only be considered 'a metaphor'; and he questioned the fact that 6 million had come to mean 6,000,000 - no more no less ('efficient though the Nazis were, they were not so clinically precise as to kill six million Jews โ not a Jew more, or not a Jew less').
As to his questioning of the notion of 6 million, no more, no less, it would not have mattered in principle whether 5.5m or 6.5m had been slaughtered at the hands of the Nazis because those Nazis would still have been guilty of mass genocide. As to "Holocaust" as a "metaphor", it might be argued by those whose pedantry exceeds their beliefs and their means of expressing them that, as 6 (or however many) million people - mainly but not necessarily all Jews without exception - were not actually all "burned" per se, "Holocaust" might not be the most appropriate or accurate word to describe what happened but, since genocide remains genocide however it's carried out, the gravity of what occurred at the hands of the Nazis would have been no less if it was called "the genocide" rather than "the Holocaust". The only conceivable excuse for being a "Holocaust denier" is therefore the pedantic one that the word might not be the most appropriate or accurate to account for the genocide that happened at the hands of the Nazis; however, Myers' "Holocaust denial" appears to be predicated not upon that but upon his unfounded and unevidenced assertion that the Nazis only planned this genocide but didn't actually carry it out.
Richard Tarleton
Originally posted by jean View PostLook at his emphatic endorsement of David Irving in Scotty's link above. And if you need any background to that, read Deborah Lipstadt's book, or see the film.
A brilliant film - the screenwriter David Hare stuck faithfully to the transcript for the courtroom scenes, as he explains in the foreword to the Lipstadt book.
Irving has not sued Evans, so far as I know.Last edited by Guest; 31-07-17, 09:05.
Originally posted by jean View PostNo, not stupid at all - he knew exactly what he was doing. There was no 'toying' here.
Look at his emphatic endorsement of David Irving in Scotty's link above.
Originally posted by ahinton View PostAt the risk of being pedantic, I submit that it was possible for him to be stupid by reason of doing stupid things but at the same time knowing exactly what he was doing - and his endorsement of Irving seems rather to illustrate that fact.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by jean View PostPerhaps we need to define stupidity in some other place.
But no definition I know adequately describes either him or his pronouncements.
Stupid in thinking he could get away with such comments for ever, but as Tippsy said:
However, maybe it's also wise for me to now say no more on what is a completely different issue from huge salaries for a lucky few at the BBC!It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.