Dahlias arent difficult. There are two types, annual bedding dahlias which are raised from seed in the spring, and tuberous perennial dahlias, which are taller. The tubers are not frost hardy and must be dug up in the autumn and stored frost-free over winter. The tuberous ones have a greater variety of colours and shapes, but both types have a wonderful range of bright colours.
Clay, chalk, flint and brick rubble doesnt sound very promising, the addition of the local garden centre's three for ten quid bags of manure and/or compost would be a good idea. As I recall, dahlias like rich soil.
Clay, chalk, flint and brick rubble doesnt sound very promising, the addition of the local garden centre's three for ten quid bags of manure and/or compost would be a good idea. As I recall, dahlias like rich soil.