#14, I'm familiar with them of course, they were a particular interest for the entomologists in the RHS, but I think the posted link to the RHS publication (#11) says everything you need to know about rosemary beetles, and far more than I know ... my speciality was diseases, not pests.
Concerning control, if you only have one small plant then hand picking them off is probably the easiest way of controlling them, but be sure to get all the larvae as well as the adults. You need to be constantly on the watch, because even if you get rid of all the current infestation, new adults will fly in sooner or later. If you want to use insecticides then remove a few sprigs for current use before you spray, advice was to wait at least three weeks after spraying before resuming harvesting.
Concerning control, if you only have one small plant then hand picking them off is probably the easiest way of controlling them, but be sure to get all the larvae as well as the adults. You need to be constantly on the watch, because even if you get rid of all the current infestation, new adults will fly in sooner or later. If you want to use insecticides then remove a few sprigs for current use before you spray, advice was to wait at least three weeks after spraying before resuming harvesting.