Either it disappeared or someone else got the rain that had been forecast for today. I had planned to go to an event in the city during the day so wasn't too bothered about whether it would be wet as it was only a short walk from the bus station, but as it turned out it was dry with lots of sunshine. The wind was rather strong and kept the temps down - and kicked up rather a lot of dust. The gusts on the way back were noticeable in the double decker bus as most of the journey is along an exposed bit of main road.
Stormy Weather II
The wind has been the main problem here in the past few days, making it feel quite chilly out of doors. Indoors, away from the wind, has been a different story with yesterday and today being the first days of the year when I've turned the heating off for extended periods of time. Anything that helps reduce the energy bill is very welcome!
I know that February is the shortest month but that doesn't fully account for the reason why my latest gas/electricity bill was lower by some margin than it was for the previous three months (I'm billed monthly). Not complaining, naturally, just slightly puzzled."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
Hazy sunshine through a cirrostratus veil - nice halo around the sun - quite mild: we could get a 16 C here this afternoon. Might take the bike for a spin.
Tomorrow promises to be interesting, with the cold front out to the west moving slowly across the country while a warm front ahead moves up from France, carrying Saharan dust, which has been causing astonishing "orange outs" across southern Spain. Watch out for sandy deposits on cars. This looks like an early example of a Spanish Plume for us, which is associated with thundery heatwave breakdowns and often spectacular lightning displays, though they're not saying this is on the cards... yet. We'll see!!
After tomorrow high pressure builds up yet again from the SW, with a repeat link up with a big high throwing a strong ridge westwards from eastern Europe.
After a somewhat dubious start we ended up with another lovely spring day, mild, dry, sunny, and snack lunch eaten outside watching the wildlife and admiring the flowers. The volunteer gardening looks as if it will be under cloudy skies tomorrow but the likelihood of rain has been pushed back to the end of the day, and it should still be mild so should be OK. It could all change between now and then of course...