Stormy Weather II

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  • oddoneout
    Full Member
    • Nov 2015
    • 9530

    It continues very windy here with added bursts of rain. The pattern of the wind is unsettling as it isn't doing an increase and decrease (either the underlying or the gust) as during the two previous storms but very up and down hour to hour, so the gusts are high 30s and then suddenly a 50. Yesterday early evening the recording station had a 70mph gust.
    The rain should finally clear shortly and the cloud is breaking but the wind isn't forecast to ease significantly until early evening. It might be an energetic walk to a meeting at the library this afternoon!


    • DracoM
      • Mar 2007
      • 13027

      c4 a.m. thundering storm - huge wind, rattling roof......crikey!


      • Petrushka
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 12436

        The wind seems to be considerably stronger here than it was on Friday and the sun has now emerged after some hefty showers earlier this morning. We had significant rainfall here both yesterday and Saturday with some localised flooding so I've not been out for several days. However, I need to make an urgent postal delivery at some point in the day and as the wind is supposed to be calming down around 2.00pm I may well leave it until then in the hope that the forecast is correct.
        "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


        • Frances_iom
          Full Member
          • Mar 2007
          • 2434

          Storm Franklin has lasted longer than the two previous storms - still going strong here in Peel - the wind is throwing 30-40ft spray as it throws the waves onto the rocks of St Patrick's Isle and the breakwater protecting Peel harbour - the bay is full of white waves - all my windows are now covered with a fine layer of salt! But the boat, previously marked as cancelled has set out an hour ago, some 2hrs later than usual, though I'm glad I'm not booked on it.


          • Serial_Apologist
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 38188

            Winds are beginning slowly to moderate here, although still blowing force 5-7. While the jet stream remains in place, oncoming low pressure systems now seem likely to be more spaced out, think goodness, offering opportunities to clear up. There is even a tentative promise of high pressure building up from the south by next weekend.


            • oddoneout
              Full Member
              • Nov 2015
              • 9530

              Originally posted by Frances_iom View Post
              Storm Franklin has lasted longer than the two previous storms - still going strong here in Peel - the wind is throwing 30-40ft spray as it throws the waves onto the rocks of St Patrick's Isle and the breakwater protecting Peel harbour - the bay is full of white waves - all my windows are now covered with a fine layer of salt! But the boat, previously marked as cancelled has set out an hour ago, some 2hrs later than usual, though I'm glad I'm not booked on it.
              Bit like some of the footage from recent days on here I must confess I got sucked in like many thousands of others and ended up watching more than I had intended when I first looked up the reference from an article. I did though resist the urge to go back and watch more since, although I can see why folks do.


              • Old Grumpy
                Full Member
                • Jan 2011
                • 3694

                Windy, but bright day here, excellent for a lovely walk round Castle Howard...

       least it was until we were caught out by a hailstorm (not forecast!).

                The consolation was a beautiful double rainbow, however.


                • Frances_iom
                  Full Member
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 2434

                  Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
                  Bit like some of the footage from recent days on here I must confess I got sucked in like many thousands of others and ended up watching more than I had intended when I first looked up the reference from an article. I did though resist the urge to go back and watch more since, although I can see why folks do.
                  Actually it has calmed down very quickly once the wind dropped - the Steam Packet would have excellent forecasting as the boat has to turn around (being a rear loader) in Heysham harbour and can't do this safely in high winds nor if restricted visibility due to fog (quite common around there) - there have been several voyages in which the boat turned around after hovering for a while just outside Heysham harbour.
                  Having been on boat a few times in force 8 or higher it's not a thing I look forward to.


                  • oddoneout
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2015
                    • 9530

                    After all the ruckus of the past few days the comparative calm that suddenly descended at the end of the afternoon yesterday(together with blue sky and sun) was rather a surprise, and I found my ears straining to hear the previous howls and bangs. After a night of just a light breeze the wind is now winding up for a final fling, but nothing like what has gone before thank heavens. I'm wondering what the team will find on Wednesday when we turn up for our volunteer gardening. There will be a lot of small twigs from the big trees on site, and possibly piles of leaves relocated, but the bigger problem is larger damage to trees and possibly buildings which will close off access while it's sorted out, which can be a lengthy process due to the need for specialised contractors.


                    • EnemyoftheStoat
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 1144

                      Eunice and Franklin have departed from these parts, having brought about enough railway "chaos" to prevent the weekend's trip to the capital for rehearsal and gig, and yesterday's rehearsal for the next one.

                      Garden damage in the end is less than was feared at one point, but if the mostly absent can't-be-bothered neighbour doesn't soon repair her disintegrating fence, we may need to get it done and present her with the bill. Probably too nice to do the latter, but we might paint the replaced section a different colour.


                      • BBMmk2
                        Late Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 20908

                        Originally posted by EnemyoftheStoat View Post
                        Eunice and Franklin have departed from these parts, having brought about enough railway "chaos" to prevent the weekend's trip to the capital for rehearsal and gig, and yesterday's rehearsal for the next one.

                        Garden damage in the end is less than was feared at one point, but if the mostly absent can't-be-bothered neighbour doesn't soon repair her disintegrating fence, we may need to get it done and present her with the bill. Probably too nice to do the latter, but we might paint the replaced section a different colour.
                        Apparently, there’s another storm coming our way. I’m not sure as to what areas will be affected, though. They’ve named it, Gladys(!)

                        At the moment, rather cloudy.
                        Don’t cry for me
                        I go where music was born

                        J S Bach 1685-1750


                        • EnemyoftheStoat
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 1144

                          Originally posted by BBMmk2 View Post
                          Apparently, there’s another storm coming our way. I’m not sure as to what areas will be affected, though. They’ve named it, Gladys(!)
                          Good morning, campers!


                          • Joseph K
                            • Oct 2017
                            • 7765

                            Still windy but sunny now, here. Yesterday I saw the first daffodils and today the first blossom.


                            • oddoneout
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2015
                              • 9530

                              Not too bad a morning, mild with glimpses of sun and not too much wind, but now cloud has brought rain and the wind is picking up noticeably. Worked out quite well though as I was able to get errands done in town while it was fine, and shortly will have an online meeting and other indoor tasks to deal with.
                              The seedling wild plum (selected from a batch raised from a mixture of foraged wild plum fruit for its good sized blossom, and red-purple leaves) in my garden is just opening its first blossoms - cue feathered rats (aka pigeons) to try and strip it. That would be tiresome enough but in so doing they break the thin branches so the tree ends up misshapen. My dwarf Victoria plum got badly targeted last year and now has fewer than half the (not very many) branches it started the year with; I've put up netting but I suspect it'll be another year without fruit even if a frost doesn't get the blossom.


                              • Serial_Apologist
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 38188

                                Oops - a bit more rain on the cold front just now than was predicted, plus gusty winds. Or it might be the first clearing shower of the following colder air: I see the wind has veered round to westerly. Let's have some quieter weather so I can get out and spray the roses with anti-fungoid, which I left too late last year - the end of March - resulting in several plants succumbing badly to black spot and not flowering after August.

                                I see there's a broad line of very heavy rain and thunderstorms now traversing the SE States - wouldn't be surprised to be getting reports of tornadoes.

