Stormy Weather II

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38181

    My goodness me, what a monster thunderstorm is presently kicking off on the Italian/French/Swiss borders, in association with a small deeping low that crossed from the direction of the Balearics this afternoon, picking up warmth and moisture from the Med! With all the Alpine snowfall associated with the Beast from the East a short while back, I won't be surprised if shortly we get to hear of flooding in the news.


    • BBMmk2
      Late Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 20908

      It rained all day yesterday!
      Don’t cry for me
      I go where music was born

      J S Bach 1685-1750


      • DracoM
        • Mar 2007
        • 13027

        Boisterous east wind up here, and ominous heavy, blue-luminous cloud to the east as well.
        Hmm - braced for action / reaction.


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38181

          Gorgeously sunny down here today, if still a tad on the cold side - but with little wind, just enough off the chill to allow for a very pleasant 13 mile ride without my quilted protection, taking the Ravensbourne riverside walk from Beckenham up to Deptford, then back home via New Cross, Peckham Rye and Dulwich Park. Plenty of friendly faces along the river walk - small family groups, one or two skunk smokers, obviously! Just managed to avoid getting flattened by a large lorry lumbering through the Sydenham industrial park on the wrong side of the road and onto the pavement, by narrowly jumping clear.

          A foretaste of a lovely summer to come, to compensate for what has been a dreary year, weatherwise as well as everythingwise, up till now - hopefully! The weekend weather looks to be on the margin, with some quite warm south-easterlies for all areas, eventually - now that the Continental source is starting to warm up - but also the probability of some rainy spells. I'm wondering if thundery weather is on the way for next week, particularly in the south.


          • alycidon
            Full Member
            • Feb 2013
            • 459

            Surprisingly, it has been a sunny day in the Highllands - but rather more than a ‘tad’ cold.
            Money can't buy you happiness............but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery - Spike Milligan


            • Serial_Apologist
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 38181

              Originally posted by alycidon View Post
              Surprisingly, it has been a sunny day in the Highllands - but rather more than a ‘tad’ cold.
              I bet - quite few picturesque shots, taken yesterday in Scotland for the UK Weatherworld site, showed substantial amounts of snow on the ground.


              • greenilex
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 1626

                Just back from Geneva, where we had spectacular thunderstorms.


                • BBMmk2
                  Late Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 20908

                  I do like a good thunderstorm!

                  A lovely spring day here yesterday. Went out on my mobility scooter to the hospital for bloods, and certainly felt like it!
                  Don’t cry for me
                  I go where music was born

                  J S Bach 1685-1750


                  • Keraulophone
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 2015

                    The 'Scillonian' is cancelled today due to 40 mph winds, so the cathedral choir is stranded in an island paradise once again. Excellent.


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38181

                      Originally posted by greenilex View Post
                      Just back from Geneva, where we had spectacular thunderstorms.
                      Switzerland is a very good part of the world for spectacular thunderstorms, given that the Alps provide a barrier where south-eastward migrating cold fronts marking a dividing line between polar air to the north and subtropical air coming up from Africa meet head on, with nowhere to go but upwards. I shan't forget the golfball-sized hailstones that had people rushing indoors from a Zurich restaurant terrace where, moments earlier, they'd been happily and noisily enjoying a summer evening with friends and families; nor the April storm that came after daytime temperatures had reached 26 degrees Celsius was followed, the next morning, by 10 centimeters of snow on the ground. This was "all quite normal" in the Swiss climate, I was "reassured"!


                      • teamsaint
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 25294

                        una buona giornata di essiccazione

                        As they don't have to say, but google translate gives it as such.

                        Lovely and sunny, mild, breezy.

                        Much better.
                        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                        I am not a number, I am a free man.


                        • DracoM
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 13027


                          • BBMmk2
                            Late Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 20908

                            Lovely day today!
                            Don’t cry for me
                            I go where music was born

                            J S Bach 1685-1750


                            • Serial_Apologist
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 38181

                              Third day in a row that temperatures have been way below those predicted by the meteorological professionals. They haven't apparently taken into account two factors: the first being that the winds (albeit light) are bringing in cold air and associated cloud from the North Sea, which, following last month's unusually late spell of Siberian air, remains 2-3 degrees C lower than is usual at this time of year; and, two, that the sun, strong enough by this stage to be expected to "burn off" low cloud such as this, is probably hidden above a sheet of middle height cloud associated with the rain front that had been plaguing the south for the past 3 days. Don't they ever go outside at the Met Office and look up? If they did so, they would bear witness to a dense and characteristically featureless blanket of stratus, lifted from last night's fog - one which is obviously not in any mood either to shift or break up. Tomorrow's forecast will probably be correct in predicting what we're having today; we're just going to have to wait and see if these winds will eventually do as they're told, swing around to the south and bring us the warmth so optimistically being prognosticated for next week by the prognosticators.


                              • DracoM
                                • Mar 2007
                                • 13027

                                Winds NOT light here at all, but strong enough to blow the unsteady over - seen it twice, and mums with buggies struggling a bit, and tiny kids being blown off their feet - literally.

                                What it is to live in the Great Wild Beyond outside the M25 fortress

