The site is forecasting 18 mm of rain for us here in York today!
Stormy Weather II
Originally posted by Pulcinella View PostThe site is forecasting 18 mm of rain for us here in York today!
Originally posted by Pulcinella View PostThe site is forecasting 18 mm of rain for us here in York today!
...just as I was commencing assembling some wooden garden furniture complete with power drill, extension cable and all- luckily I managed to get it all* inside in time!
* The electrical equipment that is, not the furniture.
Originally posted by Bryn View PostLong-rumbling thunder, here in Braccan Heal, now.
The official forecast is for even livelier stuff later on this afternoon as the cold front "proper" passes through, but often what happens is that a pre-frontal trough (such as this one) is where the main action takes place, and this drains vital energy away from the following front. This mostly depends on a sufficiently strong cold westerly at height forcing additional upward thrusting energy into the rear of the cold front acting as a re-booster. It will be interesting to see.
Lighningmaps is showing major storm activity around the Wrexham/Chester area and it doesn't seem to be moving much. There's been some rain here but it's all petered out and we'll have to see what transpires during the course of the afternoon/evening.Last edited by Petrushka; 08-07-23, 14:09."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
What had been the main thunder zone this morning has transferred back to the main front, which in any case was just a few miles behind the pre-frontal trough, and is now generating thunderstorms in a line running north through the Welsh borderlands, Lancs, Cumbria and on up into western Scotland, with a few clusters forming further back, off Cherbourg and on towards Paris. Still a chance here for more storms as we are in the vicinity - the wind's dropped out completely, with a partly broken mid-level altocumulus convectiive layer which appears to be regenerating to the south. It feels for all the world like the Tropical House at Kew out there - I don't think some washing I pegged on the line earlier is going to dry, somehow!
Originally posted by Joseph K View PostWell, it's perhaps a tad cooler than one might expect at this time of year, but I don't mind at all. My favourite sort of weather in fact.