Stormy Weather II
What a difference a day makes! After a somewhat indeterminate start the sun broke through and has been out ever since although now the thin cloud is thickening somewhat and taking up more of the blue space. Change of direction and almost no wind made it pleasant to be out.
Rain due to arrive later but tomorrow is supposed to be properly mild - temps getting into double digits - but strong winds may make that more theoretical than actual.
The strong to gale force winds duly arrived this morning - I was awakened at 7 by snapped off branches whacking my bedroom window. I wouldn't be surprised if gusts exceeded 50 mph for a time. I'm sure some damage will be reported this evening. Unusually E Anglia appears to have been one of the areas worst affected. What was strange was the absence of any yellow warning from the Met Office, which observers on UKWW are putting down to management re-organisation taking eyes off the radar! Incidentally, last night's cold front, which brought barely any weather here, now appears to be making havoc across France, judging by a long line of continuous lightning flashes all the way from Biarritz to the SW corner of Germany: I expect we'll be hearing more about this anon.
The trailing occlusion associated with the parent low, now centred east of Scotland, is slicing SE across the country right now, and expected to reach us here by midnight, bringing a switch from mild SW-erlies (currently the temperature in London is 14 C) to another chilly nor-wester due to last until Thursday in the north, to be followed by a return to mild and unsettled, as the southward-displaced Atlantic jet does the job of making up for several month's lack of rainfall.
Originally posted by Frances_iom View PostThe barometer here in Peel dropped to 975 and has remained there for some time - morning started off bright + warm but the wind soon arrived mid morning with some driven rain - at present overcast, calm and dry...
...presumably I should have used millibars.
That gives an outcome much nearer to the 28.9" on my barometer.
I've only just been able to access the weather page thanks to internet problems - which seem to be continuing I can see from the corner of my eye - and winds have been above 50mph for several hours, peaking at 57 at midday. Which would explain why I had to go and try and tie the ridge of my shed roof down(the wind had got under the ridge capping and was levering it off, which would have left the main sheets insecure and vulnerable) and deal with a broken fence post which had taken a fence panel with it and both were flapping about. Neither of which was easy given my small size, and back and joint problems but I seem to have survived.
Just as well the roof was fixed last autumn, there would have been considerable damage, and not just to my roof.
I don't recollect seeing major warnings yesterday but that doesn't mean they were absent, although I did clock that the forecast was showing excessive windspeed so I had already decided I might need to rethink my plans for the day.
Originally posted by DracoM View PostNear gale force up here on western edge of Pennines.
Heavy rain thwacking down. Standing water on many fields that 48 hrs ago were still thick with snow.
What a Winter > Spring 22/23 has been and still is.
21st March is going to be a lovely spring day...