Stormy Weather II

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  • Joseph K
    • Oct 2017
    • 7765

    A nice dry -4.


    • LMcD
      Full Member
      • Sep 2017
      • 8917

      A ski centre in Chatham has remained closed because they can't clear the snow from the car park......


      • BBMmk2
        Late Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 20908

        Clouding over. Hmmm more snow most likely, as forecasted for later?
        Don’t cry for me
        I go where music was born

        J S Bach 1685-1750


        • alycidon
          Full Member
          • Feb 2013
          • 459

          Quite nice along Loch Ness. Sunny and fine. But wind chill - minus twelve!
          Money can't buy you happiness............but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery - Spike Milligan


          • oddoneout
            Full Member
            • Nov 2015
            • 9526

            I could see that the weather had changed since midday, bright sun and that brittle crystal clearness that means serious cold , so just out of interest held the thermometer out the back door. After 30 secs and a drop of 10 C I decided that enough was enough.


            • vinteuil
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 13194


              ... for them as has the French, amusing explanation in le Monde of perceived temperature (température ressentie) - wind chill etc. I hadn't realized it was calculated differently in the winter for cold and in the summer for heat -

              Vidéo - Mise au point de manière empirique en 1939 aux Etats-Unis pour les expéditions de Paul Siple et Charles Passel en Antarctique, la température ressentie a été étudiée scientifiquement à partir de 2001 par les Etats-Unis et le Canada.


              • cloughie
                Full Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 22270

                What started as a cold crisp sunny morning, deteriorating to 3" snow. Described on Radio Cornwall as Beast from the East morphing into the Lizard Blizzard! Took me 90 mins to get home from Redruth (app 6 miles).


                • jean
                  Late member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 7100

                  Milk frozen in the bottles on the doorstep this morning.

                  But the snow blew away as fast as it came.


                  • Serial_Apologist
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 38184

                    Some good advice to people with roofs over their heads (not me, I have another flat over mine!): leaving the trap door to the loft open will lose you a bit of heat inside the house, but will likely save you bigger costs on pipe burst repairs up there; and make sure to prevent dripping taps draining away, as the drip-drip freezes more quickly than a rapid discharge of (eg) washing up water. Put the plug in and, if possible, stick a receptacle under any dripping tap.

                    Lots of snow showers this afternoon here, contrary to the local forecast, and an increasing blustery wind - last night's minus 7 C was the coldest at any time of year since January 2010; the shade temperature has not reached zero all day, making this our first ice day for some while. The most responsible people around here appear to be the council tenants in the nearby estate who have cleared their paths and put down grit, making for a pleasant walk to get my weekly bread. Vints' olive oil suggestion for my ankles pinching boots has worked to a small degree, though they still chafe a bit. There are the usual complaints of local councils failing to grit and salt side roads. I suppose the problem couild be ameliorated by keeping the heavy plant needed to do the job in storage when we have our more usual temperate winters; in Zurich I remember the dual purpose ploughs and gritters would be on permanent patrol during a snowstorm - you would see one every so many vehicles along in lines of traffic: none of your "job done - not my problem if it snows an hour later" approach found here.
                    Last edited by Serial_Apologist; 28-02-18, 17:01.


                    • LMcD
                      Full Member
                      • Sep 2017
                      • 8917

                      When we get our normal, Atlantic-based weather, back, will we get innumerable references to 'The Pest From The West?


                      • DracoM
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 13027

                        Cloudless day, lots of kids sledding on steep slopes, BUT clouds beginning to re-gather from east / south-east.

                        Some people think they have helped pedestrians by shovelling snow off the pavements, but evidently what is set to happen is that the resultant skin of chilled snow slush / water will freeze overnight and by late tonight and early tomorrow morning........make the gesture positively dangerous.

                        Thick snow is a heck of a lot easier to walk on than a thin layer of next-to-invisible ice!!

                        So, yes, do appreciate it, seriously, kind thought, but...unless they've put down grit / salt as well. then ...erm..................!!
                        Last edited by DracoM; 28-02-18, 18:27.


                        • Lat-Literal
                          • Aug 2015
                          • 6983

                          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                          Some good advice to people with roofs over their heads (not me, I have another flat over mine!): leaving the trap door to the loft open will lose you a bit of heat inside the house, but will likely save you bigger costs on pipe burst repairs up there; and make sure to prevent dripping taps draining away, as the drip-drip freezes more quickly than a rapid discharge of (eg) washing up water. Put the plug in and, if possible, stick a receptacle under any dripping tap.

                          I may well do.

                          We have more of the stuff here today. It should never have been designed to be prettily white. Some awful shade of puce is the gist of it. To use a Nan word, I cannot abear it!


                          • BBMmk2
                            Late Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 20908

                            Not sure what will happen today. Certainly overcast. More snow coming later I think. Rather windy though.
                            Don’t cry for me
                            I go where music was born

                            J S Bach 1685-1750


                            • cloughie
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 22270

                              Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                              Not sure what will happen today. Certainly overcast. More snow coming later I think. Rather windy though.
                              Expecting the worst this afternoon!


                              • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                                Gone fishin'
                                • Sep 2011
                                • 30163

                                Drew back the curtains this morning and still couldn't see out: the wind had driven the snow against all the windows on the bedroom side of the house! (I've lived here over 21 years, and this has never happened before.) No Don Giovanni for me tonight (and, No, Bbm - for some of us, this isn't a "silver lining" ) - and no Tchaikovsky Piano Trio tomorrow, either
                                [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]

