Stormy Weather II

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    Well, overnight rain, yes, same old same old....but....NOW.... absolutely thrashing it down on an even MORE violent, vindictive north-westerly, temp 1C.
    Last edited by DracoM; 05-02-22, 20:23.


    • BBMmk2
      Late Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 20908

      What a contrast from yesterday! A lovely day yesterday, but earlier on, was blowing quite a hoodie out there. I think the sun, is trying it’s best to come out.
      Don’t cry for me
      I go where music was born

      J S Bach 1685-1750


      • DracoM
        • Mar 2007
        • 13027

        Westerly roaring now,


        • Joseph K
          • Oct 2017
          • 7765

          Very windy, quite cold, but I ended up taking off my gloves and jacket towards the end of my walk, so not that cold were it not for the wind.


          • oddoneout
            Full Member
            • Nov 2015
            • 9526

            Originally posted by Joseph K View Post
            Very windy, quite cold, but I ended up taking off my gloves and jacket towards the end of my walk, so not that cold were it not for the wind.
            Yes, wind chill has a lot to answer for. When I woke up this morning I realised from the racket outside of rain and wind and general gloom that the weather was NAF - tiresome as I'd checked at about 11-30pm and it should have been still windy but dry and heading for sunny spells. So I turned over and went back to sleep (much to my surprise as it's not something I'm good at doing, especially when it's noisy). When I surfaced after 8-30 the rain had gone and the cloud was lightening. The sun did come out for a bit so I put some washing out. It has stayed dry apart from a stray burst of snow gravel(forget the official term we learnt a while back on here) which given the wind would have been mighty painful on exposed skin.
            The Met Office description of "breezy" doesn't seem quite right for gusting in the high 30s, and it's apparent it's going to take a lot longer to moderate than first thought - it'll be a draughty night, so my dratted wheelie bins will stay on their sides for now. Late last night the recycling bin flipped its lid (the bungee strap I have to use hadn't quite caught and popped off) the poor design as usual meaning it did so with great force that not only threw it to the ground but also catapulted out virtually all the tiny amount of rubbish I had put out - I could hear it scuttering away up the road, but just had to leave it as it was too dark to see and it had gone too far. Having put the strap back on I hadn't been indoors for long when it went over again and took the general bin with it, at which point I became very aggressive and shoved them up against the wall - some kicks would have been satisfying except I wasn't wearing suitable footwear... The same thing happened a few days ago when the wind got up while I was out and hadn't put the strap on as it didn't seem necessary. On that occasion I was able to retrieve most of the rubbish but two glass bottles that were flung out smashed on my neighbour's front path so I had that to clear up as well.
            I hate them and have done ever since they were foisted on us 30 or so years ago.


            • Joseph K
              • Oct 2017
              • 7765

              Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
              Yes, wind chill has a lot to answer for. When I woke up this morning I realised from the racket outside of rain and wind and general gloom that the weather was NAF - tiresome as I'd checked at about 11-30pm and it should have been still windy but dry and heading for sunny spells. So I turned over and went back to sleep (much to my surprise as it's not something I'm good at doing, especially when it's noisy). When I surfaced after 8-30 the rain had gone and the cloud was lightening. The sun did come out for a bit so I put some washing out. It has stayed dry apart from a stray burst of snow gravel(forget the official term we learnt a while back on here) which given the wind would have been mighty painful on exposed skin.
              The Met Office description of "breezy" doesn't seem quite right for gusting in the high 30s, and it's apparent it's going to take a lot longer to moderate than first thought - it'll be a draughty night, so my dratted wheelie bins will stay on their sides for now. Late last night the recycling bin flipped its lid (the bungee strap I have to use hadn't quite caught and popped off) the poor design as usual meaning it did so with great force that not only threw it to the ground but also catapulted out virtually all the tiny amount of rubbish I had put out - I could hear it scuttering away up the road, but just had to leave it as it was too dark to see and it had gone too far. Having put the strap back on I hadn't been indoors for long when it went over again and took the general bin with it, at which point I became very aggressive and shoved them up against the wall - some kicks would have been satisfying except I wasn't wearing suitable footwear... The same thing happened a few days ago when the wind got up while I was out and hadn't put the strap on as it didn't seem necessary. On that occasion I was able to retrieve most of the rubbish but two glass bottles that were flung out smashed on my neighbour's front path so I had that to clear up as well.
              I hate them and have done ever since they were foisted on us 30 or so years ago.
              Sorry to hear this, Oddone!


              • Jonathan
                Full Member
                • Mar 2007
                • 963

                It's been "blustery" here accompanied by squalls on and off this afternoon but it seems to have calmed down now though. Good!
                Best regards,


                • BBMmk2
                  Late Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 20908

                  Currently, it’s 3C, sunny but we could have a fair amount of cloud, later on?
                  Don’t cry for me
                  I go where music was born

                  J S Bach 1685-1750


                  • oddoneout
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2015
                    • 9526

                    A bit of frost early on but a bright morning with the wind having dropped right back thank heavens. I was a bit late getting dressed and had initially forgotten it was bin day so ended up, in my dressing gown, wrestling the wretched things back into their proper place - only to find later on that the rubbish hadn't been taken. Must have been a different crew from the regular one that I know and most weeks speak to. I put out so little rubbish that missing a collection doesn't cause a problem (unless the weather is hot!) in terms of capacity, but it's a little irritating, since the bin is right by the gate where it's supposed to be.


                    • Old Grumpy
                      Full Member
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 3693

                      Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
                      A bit of frost early on but a bright morning with the wind having dropped right back thank heavens. I was a bit late getting dressed and had initially forgotten it was bin day so ended up, in my dressing gown, wrestling the wretched things back into their proper place - only to find later on that the rubbish hadn't been taken. Must have been a different crew from the regular one that I know and most weeks speak to. I put out so little rubbish that missing a collection doesn't cause a problem (unless the weather is hot!) in terms of capacity, but it's a little irritating, since the bin is right by the gate where it's supposed to be.
                      Are you sure they missed you - were others bins emptied, or was it an effect of driver shortage ( Our council has a section on the website where you can read about any disruption to refuse collection services.


                      • Serial_Apologist
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 38184

                        Originally posted by Old Grumpy View Post
                        Are you sure they missed you - were others bins emptied, or was it an effect of driver shortage ( Our council has a section on the website where you can read about any disruption to refuse collection services.
                        Ours has a subsection for reporting missed deliveries - these then usually get carried out within a couple of days.


                        • oddoneout
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2015
                          • 9526

                          Originally posted by Old Grumpy View Post
                          Are you sure they missed you - were others bins emptied, or was it an effect of driver shortage ( Our council has a section on the website where you can read about any disruption to refuse collection services.
                          Yes the neighbours' bins were emptied, both the green-waste bins and the general rubbish. As I say it'll likely be because it was a different crew that won't lift unless the handle is facing the road, even though the bin is 6" away from the gatepost with the handle facing out - but at right angles to the road. It's an unmade road with no pavement and being a terrace not all houses can put their bins off their property because of parked cars. The regular team tend to be pretty scathing about that when it's happened in the past, but then they are really nice chaps, always cheerful and helpful. I'll report it and someone will come and collect later in the week probably even if I say it's not necessary.


                          • DracoM
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 13027

                            Absolute YUK of a day up here - viciously cold and wet.


                            • BBMmk2
                              Late Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 20908

                              Rather an uninspiring day, by the looks of it. May have showers too!
                              Don’t cry for me
                              I go where music was born

                              J S Bach 1685-1750


                              • Serial_Apologist
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 38184

                                Originally posted by BBMmk2 View Post
                                Rather an uninspiring day, by the looks of it. May have showers too!
                                But mild though! I almost didn't need the coat for my half-yearly dental checkup visit this morning.

