Miserable, dull day here - Taken until 3.30 pm to stop raining, and now starting again!
Stormy Weather II
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostIt turned very murky here, following a bright morning...
Bonus points for the BBC weather app today. It’s been saying for a few days that it would rain here today from 4ish... and the rain started pretty much around 4pm. The other two apps I use (Met Office & yr.no) have resolutely been predicting dry all day.... until a little while ago when they changed to reflect what is visible out of the window...some forecast...
Glad I believed the BBC app and cycled out fresh food shopping shortly after opening at noon
Fierce east wind though, made my eyes water (the shop is east of here)
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
... a bright morning , with a sharpish east wind - a good river walk from Kew Bridge to Barnes Bridge on the south side and then on to Hammersmith Bridge on the north side. Far too many people, runners, bikers, walkers - among whom we spotted (separately) Rageh Omaar and Gary Gibbon. How odd it must be too have an immediately recognizable phizzog.
Now totes mizz, as the kids have it - cold, rain, bleak.
Originally posted by vinteuil View Post.
... a bright morning , with a sharpish east wind - a good river walk from Kew Bridge to Barnes Bridge on the south side and then on to Hammersmith Bridge on the north side. Far too many people, runners, bikers, walkers - among whom we spotted (separately) Rageh Omaar and Gary Gibbon. How odd it must be too have an immediately recognizable phizzog.
Now totes mizz, as the kids have it - cold, rain, bleak.
Originally posted by DracoM View PostStill grey and bashed by dazing easterly up here.
Bright blue sky here, frost melting as the sun hits it, but still cold: phone says -3C, real feel -7C, but actually in the strength of the sun it felt much warmer.
I was able to sit out on the front bench (direct sunshine) without a jacket for a quick cup of coffee.
I couldn't see my breath, but there was certainly steam rising from my coffee mug.
Dull at the moment but the sun is supposed to get out lunchtime on, it's dry and not as cold as previous days. I'm hoping I might be able to do a bit of garden pottering; although there was a bit of rain late evening it has dried now and the winds over the past 2 days have done a good job of removing some of the surplus wet, so a bit of weeding and compost distribution (with the help of the blackbirds!) should be possible.
Clear blue sky and sunshine here, though it's something of a mixed blessing at this time of year as it shines straight through my window for most of the day thus necessitating drawing down the blind in order to protect books, CDs and photographs.
One noticeable aspect of this winter, at least in this neck of the woods, has been the almost complete absence of any wind. Many weeks have gone by without much wind at all with only a modest uplift during Storm Christoph. This is in marked contrast to previous years."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink