Stormy Weather II

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    Whacking showers, driving wind. Pretty unfriendly.


    • Joseph K
      • Oct 2017
      • 7765

      Tipping it down.


      • DracoM
        • Mar 2007
        • 13027

        Yep, same here and on a piercing easterly...........brrrr! Not nice. Queuing outside shops with or without sheltering cover and where entry is rationed, and shoppers inside ignorant of shop's layout / contents taking ages to calmly prowl and slowly collect while queue soaks......hmmm......., deffo un-nice.


        • DracoM
          • Mar 2007
          • 13027

          JUST heard the BBC forecast telling me that where I live it is likely to be 8-10C today.
          Oh, Really?
          Well, HERE, as I post, it is 3C.

          As usual, blather and inaccuracy - which is why I use


          • oddoneout
            Full Member
            • Nov 2015
            • 9526

            Originally posted by DracoM View Post
            JUST heard the BBC forecast telling me that where I live it is likely to be 8-10C today.
            Oh, Really?
            Well, HERE, as I post, it is 3C.

            As usual, blather and inaccuracy - which is why I use
            Probably don't allow for wind chill? It's yet another reason why I prefer the Met site, it does acknowledge that that can be important when living in a flat area exposed to the full benefits of 'fresh' airflows from cold quarters.


            • DracoM
              • Mar 2007
              • 13027

              Absolutely vicious NE wind off the North Sea then working itself into a frenzy across the Yorkshire Moors.
              Genuinely one of the coldest days I can remember for a very long time.
              Temp here currently on wall thermometer outside - BUT OUT of the wind - is at the mo, -6C.
              Sun - and yes, we do have sun - already beginning to set. Clouds gathering.

              I know this sounds like some kind of horror film weather check, and I know it's Xmas Eve etc, but truly, up here, even us, very used to winter and yes we can luxuriate in misery from time to time, but honestly, we have woken to a serious nastiness we were not expecting. Even up here!


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38181

                I'm worried about Boxing Day night into Saturday morning, especially down here, with winds expected to gust to 70-80 mph INLAND! Just what the waiting cross-Channel lorry drivers will be needing! And this, just from a tightening warm sector ahead of the passage of a cold front associated with an ordinary deepish low NW of the UK. This wouldn't have happened on a straight W-> E zonal Atlantic jet in earlier times.


                • oddoneout
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2015
                  • 9526

                  Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                  Absolutely vicious NE wind off the North Sea then working itself into a frenzy across the Yorkshire Moors.
                  Genuinely one of the coldest days I can remember for a very long time.
                  Temp here currently on wall thermometer outside - BUT OUT of the wind - is at the mo, -6C.
                  Sun - and yes, we do have sun - already beginning to set. Clouds gathering.

                  I know this sounds like some kind of horror film weather check, and I know it's Xmas Eve etc, but truly, up here, even us, very used to winter and yes we can luxuriate in misery from time to time, but honestly, we have woken to a serious nastiness we were not expecting. Even up here!
                  It's been NWesterly here all day so we've been benefiting from you warming it up a bit! I managed to get back from bread and milk gathering this morning just as the black clouds decided to disgorge a wintery shower - hail, sleet and spiteful needlefine rain. There have been short showers throughout the rest of the day, mostly hail, but on the plus side quite a lot of sun flicking in and out of clouds travelling at speed. The combination of sinking sun and clouds in the west provided the anomaly of a colourful sky in the East which I spent some time watching. There have been floods in parts due to the large amount of overnight rain falling on already saturated ground and overfilling watercourses so the forecast for more, plus freshening winds is unwelcome.


                  • DracoM
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 13027

                    Tonight made up for it: high moon, trawls of stars, blistering cold, but magical and silent on my walk.
                    Max frost developing.
                    Last edited by DracoM; 25-12-20, 16:13.


                    • BBMmk2
                      Late Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 20908

                      Looks like it’s going to be a good day on this Yuletide day!
                      Don’t cry for me
                      I go where music was born

                      J S Bach 1685-1750


                      • Pulcinella
                        • Feb 2014
                        • 11383

                        Clear and bright at present, but very cold overnight: water in dogs' drinking bowl that is on our front path frozen for the first time this season.


                        • oddoneout
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2015
                          • 9526

                          Stayed above freezing - just - overnight here although the west of the county seems to have been less lucky, which might have made driving tricky given the amount of wetness still lying. Likely to stay dry but otherwise not very promising for exercise today, dull and very raw cold - a case of doing it because I need to rather than want to!


                          • Joseph K
                            • Oct 2017
                            • 7765

                            Sun and blue sky, though cold.


                            • gurnemanz
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 7470

                              Just below freezing last night but calendula and self-sown borage still flowering.


                              • oddoneout
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2015
                                • 9526

                                Originally posted by gurnemanz View Post
                                Just below freezing last night but calendula and self-sown borage still flowering.
                                I always used to reckon to have calendula among the components of the Christmas day table posy as they self-seeded on the allotment, but I don't have any in my current garden( I did sow some seed this year but it was very old and nothing came up) - I must rectify that as their sunny orange discs flowering through the winter are a real tonic and the petals liven up a salad.
                                It has been sunny and blue sky here, but I refuse to feel guilty for not getting out there; I have been appreciating it from inside while listening to the radio. The temperature is plummeting at the moment, but the forecast suggests that cloud moving in during the night and a change of wind direction should halt the descent.

