I am in the position of having a quite substantial CD collection and excellent equipment to play it on. Lately though, I have been hankering after a good record deck; several of my friends have them and I enjoy the sound of them - however they do not use them for classical music.
So really I would welcome some opinions from those who may have trodden this path. There does not seem to be a wealth of new recordings available on vinyl although there are plenty of historical recording on the second hand market. Does the particular sonic quality of vinyl lend itself to classical music? Does vinyl have the detail of a good CD recording for orchestral music?
So really I would welcome some opinions from those who may have trodden this path. There does not seem to be a wealth of new recordings available on vinyl although there are plenty of historical recording on the second hand market. Does the particular sonic quality of vinyl lend itself to classical music? Does vinyl have the detail of a good CD recording for orchestral music?