Like most people I'm plagued from time to time by silent phone calls or ladies with Indian accents trying to convince me that they represent HSBC or whatever. It's easy enough to put the phone down.
However, on two occasions recently I've had a very scary experience while on line with my iMac. I was idly surfing the internet with a few searches when a deafening voice cut in in a penetrating American accent. I was warned that I was being damaged by a virus and literally commanded to call what they said was an Apple number to be given a code which would put things right.
So far so ignorable, but my desktop was frozen. I normally keep the machine in sleep mode when it's not in use, but I was unable to make that work,I simply got an error message to the effect that Safari would not permit it.The same thing happened using shut down. It worked alright but when I switched back on the frozen page was still there.
In the end I shut down by removing the mains plug, this did the trick and I was able to reboot without any more problems.
I have very few personal details on my iMac, no online banking or anything of that sort,and I cannot detect any problems.
I suppose I don't expect viruses on Mac, they are supposed to be more dodgy on PCs, but this was a nasty experience, horror stories from others on these boards would be interesting.
However, on two occasions recently I've had a very scary experience while on line with my iMac. I was idly surfing the internet with a few searches when a deafening voice cut in in a penetrating American accent. I was warned that I was being damaged by a virus and literally commanded to call what they said was an Apple number to be given a code which would put things right.
So far so ignorable, but my desktop was frozen. I normally keep the machine in sleep mode when it's not in use, but I was unable to make that work,I simply got an error message to the effect that Safari would not permit it.The same thing happened using shut down. It worked alright but when I switched back on the frozen page was still there.
In the end I shut down by removing the mains plug, this did the trick and I was able to reboot without any more problems.
I have very few personal details on my iMac, no online banking or anything of that sort,and I cannot detect any problems.
I suppose I don't expect viruses on Mac, they are supposed to be more dodgy on PCs, but this was a nasty experience, horror stories from others on these boards would be interesting.