Interesting. The Common goes back to the original medieval common, and now has one main area (about 12 acres) and several nearby green spaces which escaped the Victorian building frenzy. Today I was helping with the monthly litter-pick and went to one of the smaller areas that I hadn't been to before and was pleased to see several species that I'd never found on the main Common, even though it's only two or three hundred meters away. Nothing unusual just not on my usual patch:
Lady's bedstraw
Field scabious
Bird's foot trefoil
Meadow cranesbill
Lords and Ladies
The Autumn hawkbit has taken over from the Whilte clover as the predominant species on the main area.
Lady's bedstraw
Field scabious
Bird's foot trefoil
Meadow cranesbill
Lords and Ladies
The Autumn hawkbit has taken over from the Whilte clover as the predominant species on the main area.