Originally posted by Philidor
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How true! What I wouldn't give to be daily verbally attacked, accused, ridiculed, spied on, have my background investigated and publicised, my family life put under strain, to run the risk of going down in history as the man who finally scuppered the chance of political reform in order to ride around in a ministerial car ...

Yes, I do think that if misdeeds are brought to light at a later date, they have to be investigated and the punishment has to be what is appropriate to the circumstances.
On Hanningfield, and the Lords in general (as distinct from MPs), it's obviously a culture that has grown up. They reckon they work hard, in many cases put in long hours, so 'morally' they 'earn' a reasonable salary which they won't be paid. A lax expenses system allowed them to take advantage. They 'justify' their actions to themselves. Unfortunately for them, they're wrong and they have to take the rap (INTJ, me
