My 10 Best Detective Novels

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  • antongould
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 8870

    My 10 Best Detective Novels

    Not wishing to pollute salymap's wonderful and rightly popular thread but taking up Eudaimonia's suggestion of 9th May what about a My 10 Best?
    I apologise in advance as I know such lists irritate many but I have my reputation as "Chav" of these boards to maintain - anyway

    The Nine Tailors - Sayers
    Swan Song - Crispin
    Gaudy Night - Sayers
    Voices - Indridason
    Exit Music - Rankin
    Service of All the Dead - Dexter
    Firewall - Mankell
    Five Red Herrings - Sayers
    Silence of the Grave - Indridason
    Devices and Desires - James
  • Estelle
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 112

    I can applaud your list, having read seven of your ten. Indridason's novels are very involving, aren't they?


    • antongould
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 8870

      Thank you I await your list with unbounded interest!


      • salymap
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 5969

        Malice Aforethought - Francis Iles
        Murder Must Advertise - Sayers
        My foe outstretch'd beneath a tree - VC Clinton Baddeley
        Tiger in the Smoke - Allingham
        Moving Toyshop - Crispin
        Hand in Glove - Marsh
        Third Girl - Christie
        Accounting for Murder - Emma Lathen
        More Work for the Undertaker - Allingham
        The Hollow Man - John Dickson Carr
        Only a Matter of Time - V C Clinton Baddeley

        List would be different next week


        • french frank
          • Feb 2007
          • 30791

          The Hound of the Baskervilles - A. Conan Doyle
          Strong Poison - D. Sayers
          Before the Fact - F. Iles
          4.50 from Paddington - A. Christie
          The Nine Tailors - D. Sayers
          Le mystère de la chambre jaune - G. Leroux
          The Beckoning Lady - M. Allingham
          The Valley of Fear - A. Conan Doyle
          Le bouchon de cristal - M. Leblanc
          The Mystery of the Burnt Cottage - E. Blyton
          Last edited by french frank; 16-05-11, 08:06. Reason: Mistake - I meant the one where Harriet Vane is accused of murder
          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


          • Petrushka
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 12435

            A Question of Proof - Nicholas Blake
            Trent's Last Case - E C Bentley
            The Murder of Roger Ackroyd - Agatha Christie
            The Nine Tailors - Dorothy L Sayers
            The Wench is Dead - Colin Dexter
            Green for Danger - Christiana Brand
            The Hound of the Baskervilles - Arthur Conan Doyle
            Gaudy Night - Dorothy L Sayers
            Hercule Poirot's Christmas - Agatha Christie
            Black Dog - Stephen Booth
            A Murder of Quality - John Le Carre

            Edit: Oops can't count. Done 11 but I'll leave it as it is
            "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


            • Eudaimonia

              AG-- hey, thanks! Looks like I've got some of my 'summer reading' picked out for me...I'm definitely looking forward to digging in.


              • Estelle
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 112

                I'm afraid I shall have to disappoint you in the supplying of a list of ten best; I have done what I could on Salymap's thread in supplying the names of those writers whose detective fiction I most admire. I think it is impossible for me to choose one best book from each of those writers, but you can't go wrong if you begin almost any book in the lot. I would mention that the last two Hillermans showed a weakening in his skill, but he was close to 80 at the time, and there are sixteen others to choose from!


                • antongould
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 8870

                  No problem you have provided us all with a lot of books to hunt for!


                  • amateur51

                    Originally posted by salymap View Post
                    Malice Aforethought - Francis Iles
                    Murder Must Advertise - Sayers
                    My foe outstretch'd beneath a tree - VC Clinton Baddeley
                    Tiger in the Smoke - Allingham
                    Moving Toyshop - Crispin
                    Hand in Glove - Marsh
                    Third Girl - Christie
                    Accounting for Murder - Emma Lathen
                    More Work for the Undertaker - Allingham
                    The Hollow Man - John Dickson Carr
                    Only a Matter of Time - V C Clinton Baddeley

                    List would be different next week
                    Great list, saly and thanks for reminding me about Emma Lathen - I've not read/seen anything of 'hers' in years, so you've set me off on a trail. I used to have a pile of Ellery Queen magazines but those went to the charity shop some years ago, before I realised that my retirement might start rather earlier than I'd envisaged


                    • Richard Tarleton

                      Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
                      A Murder of Quality - John Le Carre
                      Well done Petrushka for including this - the second appearance of George Smiley, after his debut in Call for the Dead, and something of a respite for him from the Cold War. Le Carré's third was The Spy who came in from the Cold, which of course became a runaway best seller after the slow start made by the first two. I met and heard him talking about his work shortly after his fourth, The Looking Glass War.

                      Smiley already seems old from the start. Had le Carré a clearer idea of what lay ahead for his hero he may well have wished to recalibrate his life - you get the impression in the later novels that he has to slow down the ageing process. A great writer who transcends genre. I have all his novels except one, le Carré enthusiasts may guess which that is. Is it worth reading?


                      • umslopogaas
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 1977

                        Post 11, Richard Tarleton, would that missing Le Carre novel be 'The Naive And Sentimental Lover'? I read it at least thirty years ago and remember being disappointed. Just dipped into it again and find I cant remember a thing about it, but it looks as if it could be entertaining. It is, however, a sort of fantasy/comedy and completely unlike his usual spy thrillers. Sorry, not much help really, I can only suggest you'll have to try it to see how you get on with it.


                        • Thespian

                          In no order, just as i think of them

                          Evil under the Sun - Christie
                          And then there were none - Christie
                          Dissolution - C J Sansom
                          The Hollow Man - Carr
                          The Moving Toyshop - Crispin
                          The Unfinished Clue - G. Heyer
                          Hound of the Baskervilles - Doyle
                          Last Bus to Woodstock - Dexter
                          So Much Blood - Simon Brett
                          A Man Lay Dead - Ngaio Marsh


                          • aeolium
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 3992

                            Another ten:

                            Collins - The Moonstone
                            Dickens/Collins - No Thoroughfare
                            Doyle - The Sign of Four
                            Buchan - Three Hostages
                            Sayers - Nine Tailors
                            Chandler - Farewell My Lovely
                            Chandler - The Long Goodbye
                            Dürrenmatt - The Pledge
                            Hill - On Beulah Height
                            Hiassen - Double Whammy


                            • vinteuil
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 13192

                              Collins - A Stolen Letter
                              Collins - The Moonstone
                              Buchan - The Island of Sheep
                              Simenon - l'Homme qui regardait passer les trains
                              Simenon - les inconnus dans la maison
                              Simenon - la neige était sale
                              Raabe - Stopfkuchen ('Tubby Schaumann')
                              Léo Malet - 120 rue de la gare
                              Léo Malet - Les nouveaux mystères de Paris
                              Sherlock Holmes and Father Brown ad lib.

                              that's more than ten. But I'd like some Chandler and Hammett too, please...

