More evidence that those in charge are liars and completely round the twist

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  • scottycelt

    I've played safe tonight ... just had a couple of delicious NZ lamb steaks ... and NZ lambs are almost certainly of the purest Scottish descent anyway.. ?


    • Dave2002
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 18101


      Of course you realise it's all Handel's fault .... "We all like sheep ..."


      • amateur51

        Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
        I've played safe tonight ... just had a couple of delicious NZ lamb steaks ... and NZ lambs are almost certainly of the purest Scottish descent anyway.. ?
        Ah, good to see a committed believer so up-to-date on the Natural Selection debate


        • Flosshilde
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 7988

          I'm afraid I've too often been dceceived by mutton dressed as lamb.


          • Chris Newman
            Late Member
            • Nov 2010
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            Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post

            Of course you realise it's all Handel's fault .... "We all like sheep ..."
            I have always sung it as "All we like sheep" which usually results in nudges. Even well known soloists at the Proms have been seen grinning at each other. As one chorus master told us to stop the giggles "It's either a matter of how you stand or an obsession with the Welsh. Get over it."


            • Dave2002
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 18101


              I stand corrected!


              • Petrushka
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
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                Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                I take the claim that one member of staff was once traced to her home address with a modicum of salt. She must have had a rather unique name for that to happen, or the person who traced her must have spent a lot of time on doing it. Have you ever googled your own name & been surprised at how many people there are who share it?
                Tracing people is easier than you think, especially in the internet age, and anyone with the necessary determination can do it. I am with Scottycelt on this one and consider the actions of No 10 to be correct.

                Many years ago as part of my job I had to complete a bankruptcy petition under oath at a solicitor's office. To my astonishment, I was asked for my private address which would appear on the petition. I refused point-blank saying that my address for this purpose was my office and after some argument with the solicitor he finally agreed. My boss at the time had a brick thrown through his window for failing to follow my example.
                "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


                • Ferretfancy
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 3487


                  I hope you enjoyed your tasty lamb. Did you see that the Catholic Church has decided to reinstate the custom of only eating fish on Fridays, no doubt for very laudable and sustainable reasons. However, with finger always on the social pulse, they have had to accommodate vegetarians in the scheme of things by suggesting that they give up carrots!


                  • scottycelt

                    Like your soul-mate, 'Ams' 51, your penchant for introducing mention of the Catholic Church into every conceivable subject on this forum is nothing short of staggering, Ferret ...

                    I'm not sure that Catholic vegetarians in England & Wales will be required to abstain from carrots in particular ... what if they don't normally eat carrots either? ... I suspect it will simply be a normally regular foodstuff for the vegetarian concerned!

                    Strangely enough I'm normally still in the habit of eating fish (haddock) on Friday's anyway, so the re-introduction of this fine old mandatory discipline won't really be much of a penance for me ... maybe I should give up my evening whisky as well?

                    I'm heading for Scotland to visit family relatives this morning, Ferret, so I'll now leave the final word on this latest derisable Catholic Church practice to the inevitable Amateur 51 , who I'm sure will also now expertly explain to others its obvious connection to current security at No 10, and almost certainly 'homophobia' as well! :cool2:


                    • amateur51

                      Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                      I'm heading for Scotland to visit family relatives this morning, Ferret, so I'll now leave the final word on this latest derisable Catholic Church practice to the inevitable Amateur 51 , who I'm sure will also now expertly explain to others its obvious connection to current security at No 10, and almost certainly 'homophobia' as well! :cool2:
                      Get 'er!


                      • Ferretfancy
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 3487

                        Now, now, scotty, it was only a little dig! Actually I quite like a nice piece of smoked haddock on a Friday night myself, but I'm off to the Lake District tomorrow, where the fish is poor but the lamb is good. It's also very homophobic up there, and the chairman of the Lib Dems lives there , but we have to suffer for our enjoyment, don't we ?


                        • Lateralthinking1

                          I note that No 10 have backtracked on their bogus names. About time too. Now as people on these boards will know, I tend to go off topic so the following is just a random thought that crossed my mind. I thought I'd share it with you even though it has absolutely nothing to do with politicians or senior civil servants, ex or otherwise, or any lies in politics. Don't know why I am sticking it on this thread really.

                          Anyway, it's this. Say there was a guy down my road and his wife or ex-wife claimed that he had forced her into taking points on her driving licence for his speeding. He'd obviously be worried about the implications. Thing is, though, what is force? How could she have been "forced" by him to say that she rather than he was the driver of the speeding vehicle? Surely unless she is an unintelligent shrinking violet who says "yes hubby, no hubby" at every turn, the decision is a joint one, isn't it? If there was any question of unlawfulness, she'd have a lot to do to prove that she wasn't acting unlawfully too, ie that she was "forced" to do it.

                          And this theoretical couple along my road, well, I would imagine that they held happy dinner parties for, how long, oh, some seven years after the dispute, widely known, so clearly it wasn't a major falling out issue. I see them both as very rich, this theoretical couple, both agreeing to flout the law, but then I have the wildest of imaginations. As I say, it is entirely random thought. Totally irrelevant to this thread.

                          Still, it whiles away the time as the pro-nuclear lobby do whatever they can to get their way. See there has been a report supporting expansion here irrespective of Fukushima. Next thing we'll probably be getting delighted comments from people connected with EDF or Exxon Nuclear or whoever. Funnily enough, I think that a woman down my road was something quite big in Exxon once - economics, and close to energy policy too - while her husband wasn't so keen on going nuclear. I guess they could also be the theoretical couple in my invented driving dispute. Yes, as they are wholly inventions of my mind, I'll say they are.

                          Good job that they aren't real people or involved in real influential areas. If they were, it would be more evidence that those in charge are liars and completely round the twist. But that's not the case here. It is all just make-believe. Soup anyone? There is just enough to go round.
                          Last edited by Guest; 18-05-11, 03:49.


                          • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                            Late member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 9173

                            well that is presumable the Strauss Kahn defence in relation to most of his 'seductions' ... certainly the Hungarian damsel ... and likely the poor lady in NY was consensual innit ....

                            i am unashamedly in favour of nuclear energy, just not how it is produced currently .... especially as we are not on the edge of a tectonic plate in the pacific rim [it will take a lot of time for the harm to be known but my five bob is that the earthquake and tsunami were by far the most lethal]

                            when the lights go out life stops .... we just had a power failure here in the middle kingdom, nothing worked, everywhere shut immediately and non-stop alarms .... no electricity no hospitals schools universities, prisons would be hell .... no trains, no light, no interwebby thing so business and government would just stop ... and renewables can not meet the demand .... meanwhile we are facing climate change on a scale known only to our distant ancestors and need to cut CO2 emissions sharpish .... and again hard to do without nuclear energy ...

                            According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                            • Lateralthinking1

                              The first point is a good one Calum. Of course, the lady in NY appears to have taken the matter to the police immediately. She hasn't spent 7 years since living with him, laughing with him, holding dinner parties, and enjoying his successes. Nor has she been a part of a general drift from the senior civil service to a consultancy with Blairite economics, not that she would have been of course.


                              • Lateralthinking1

                                .....oh and here's the guy who a month ago was being lined up by the PM and the DPM for the No. 2 position in the Cabinet Office next to Maude :

                                Police are to investigate the expenses claims of former Lib Dem cabinet minister David Laws, a Labour MP says.

