Originally posted by ahinton
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Originally posted by ahinton View PostHow come?[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostThey dropped the apostrophe from their stores - at around the time when the stores changed from a burgundy coloured background to a black one. They lost Alpie's custom along with the punctuation, I'm deducing.
Originally posted by ahinton View PostThat said, you'd think, wouldn't you, that a bookstore of all places would have at least some care about apostrophic usage?
Originally posted by jean View PostCompanies House doesn't need an apostrophe if you regard Companies as a noun premodifier.
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostThey took considerable care to send people up ladders in order to remove the apostrophes at every one of their stores, but took less care to cover the resulting hole, and the resulting gap between the last two letters. The whole operation was sheer stupidity.
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostThey dropped the apostrophe from their stores - at around the time when the stores changed from a burgundy coloured background to a black one.
There's a park in Glasgow called Queens Park - it seems never to have had an apostrophe. Some claim that it's named for Queen Victoria - it's at the bottom of a street called Victoria Rd, & near a cluster of streets named after Albert, others that it's for Mary Queen of Scots, as it's close the the site of her final battle. Given the lack of apostrophe it's quite possible it was named for both.
(It's also a popular meeting place for gay men, but I don't think it was named for them.)
Originally posted by vinteuil View Post... I gues's Alpen's Infonie prob's does' n't do busines's with Boots or Lloyds or Barclays...(He may feel able to insure with Lloyd's, however).
The established point seems to be that there is NO 'right' and 'wrong' in this: simply usage and wont - or in Alpie's case, won't.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.