Summary of progress so far
I wanted 3 full titles of works called Rondo.
Cloughie has got the non-Sanskrit-connected one, Hungarian Rondo. Kodaly will do nicely as a composer but there are others.
Similarly, the 'over-imaginative' Rondo can come from several composers because it, with some slightly different spellings, is a pretty common title. 'Capriccioso' was a good shot but not right on the money. I'll accept anything in the right ballpark for spelling and composer.
The 'oscillatory' rondo is AFAIK a unique title. The English title (by which it seems always to be listed on disc) has the same number of words, and the words have the same syllable-counts, as 'Rondo a la Turk'. Its composer spoke one of the other two non-Sanskrit-linked W. European languages (pure coincidence, I didn't spot this when I set it). (EDIT This para now overtaken by events: cloughie got it while I was writing
I wanted 3 full titles of works called Rondo.
Cloughie has got the non-Sanskrit-connected one, Hungarian Rondo. Kodaly will do nicely as a composer but there are others.
Similarly, the 'over-imaginative' Rondo can come from several composers because it, with some slightly different spellings, is a pretty common title. 'Capriccioso' was a good shot but not right on the money. I'll accept anything in the right ballpark for spelling and composer.
The 'oscillatory' rondo is AFAIK a unique title. The English title (by which it seems always to be listed on disc) has the same number of words, and the words have the same syllable-counts, as 'Rondo a la Turk'. Its composer spoke one of the other two non-Sanskrit-linked W. European languages (pure coincidence, I didn't spot this when I set it). (EDIT This para now overtaken by events: cloughie got it while I was writing
