Things that time forgot.
Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
... well, certainly in Wiltshire in my younger days this happened pretty regularly (my parents loathed it) - and I have been at suppers in Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire this century (yes, the 21st century) where it still happens (my wife and I loathe it).
....well considering in similar situations most of the people were Anarchic Feminista [Greenham Women] Vegan Hunt Sab's you can imagine there was no movement on sex based criteria....but we did have 2 tables and probably the dogs who usually had the run of the house were put out....( some yum food with the house speciality - plenty of gravy/sauce.....)....bong ching
Originally posted by Bryn View Post
Back in the 1970s, friends of mine moved to a hill farm in west Wales. They discovered that the local tradition was for women not to eat with the men but to serve the food then retire to the kitchen to eat their own meal.
Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
... well, certainly in Wiltshire in my younger days this happened pretty regularly (my parents loathed it) - and I have been at suppers in Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire this century (yes, the 21st century) where it still happens (my wife and I loathe it).
Originally posted by Ein Heldenleben View Post
Incredible. I just don’t believe it. I thought you moved in arty circles where , if they are anything like the media , most people struggle to move from the dinner table at all while there are still half full bottles on it ?
Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
... the last one was as meeja as you could wish (hat-trick productions, anyone?) - the 'boys' still had bottles on the table, and I think the 'girls' were provided for in the next room...
* Comedy can drink any other media genre under the table .
Originally posted by JasonPalmer View PostDvd from charity shop failed to play yesterday, now i know why streaming has taken off.
although, it has to be said that the second hand CD I am currently playing , a £1 charity shop buy last week, is skipping like a fidgety kangeroo….
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