Originally posted by makropulos
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However, I was there (the FTH) on Thursday 27th April, 1989 for the Messiaen 80th Anniversary Concert and have still got the Programme (minus any autographs

The Halle was conducted by Serge Baudo and the soloists were Jeanne Loriod & Pierre-Laurent Aimard. I don't remember the composer being in attendance, probably because his health wasn't too good then. My everlasting memory of that concert was having to leave the hall in disgrace half-way through due to an over-full bladder. I had foolishly consumed two pints of Boddington's Beer in Cox's Bar before the concert in order to kill a bit of time after work. Worse, I exited through an emergency-exit passageway so, finding a dead-end with no toilet, I had to re-enter the hall and tip-toe towards the correct door in full view of just about everyone in the hall.
Fortunately for what remained of my, by now, grossly-tarnished street-cred, I managed to creep back into the hall relatively unnoticed and perch on one of the fold-up seats at the back of the stalls. Suitably and deservedly humbled, I've never made that stupid mistake with the Turangalîla or the almost equally monumental likes of a Bruckner/Mahler/Shostakovich symphony ever again.
The Programme states that this was the first performance of the T. 'at these concerts' since 11th Jan. 1968 so I assume the 1978 performance was by the BBC Phil (or whatever it was called then)?