Osama Bin Laden: Dead

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  • Flosshilde
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 7988

    Originally posted by Donnie Essen View Post
    They might wanna look respectful in this instance, for political reasons, to cause less of a wind-up about a figure that many look up to. Ain't suggestin' nothin' else.
    That might be true, but according to this burial at sea is not considered permissable by muslims except in exceptional circumstances & with specific conditions -


    In the second reference it is explicit that the disposal of Bin Laden's body at sea is likely to provoke feeling, rather than placate it. As usual, the USA govt has acted either in total ignorance or wilful disregard of other's customs & beliefs.


    • Freddie Campbell

      ...Well here is "One Christian's Response to the Death of Bin-Laden"-
      The Jesuit Review of Faith & Culture


      • MrGongGong
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 18357

        Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
        That might be true, but according to this burial at sea is not considered permissable by muslims except in exceptional circumstances & with specific conditions -


        In the second reference it is explicit that the disposal of Bin Laden's body at sea is likely to provoke feeling, rather than placate it. As usual, the USA govt has acted either in total ignorance or wilful disregard of other's customs & beliefs.
        Team America World Police ????

        the sound of idiots on the radio chanting U.S.A
        and making out that this is somehow a good thing
        is very worrying indeed

        Surely they should have learnt from the Lynching (with USA assistance ) of Hussain ?


        • Mr Pee
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 3285

          To all those who doubt that OBL has at long last got what he deserved, footage has now been released of the actual moment of his death.

          Warning:- Some viewers may find this disturbing.

          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
          Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

          Mark Twain.


          • Mr Pee
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 3285

            Surely they should have learnt from the Lynching (with USA assistance ) of Hussain ?
            Oh my goodness. It is astonishing the kind of altered reality that some people seem to live in.

            Unless my memory serves me incorrectly, Saddam was captured and put on trial in Iraq, where, after due process of law, he was found guilty and executed. Surely this is precisely the kind of treatment some of you seem to think should have been afforded to Bin Laden, although I get the impression you'd rather he was alowed to waltz off into the sunset with his Jihadist chums while Obama was locked up for having the temerity to actually pursue the architect of 9/11.

            What exactly would satisfy you?

            I cannot understand this wailing and gnashing of teeth every time a mass murderer gets the justice they deserve. What a strange warped morality you seem to have, where whatever we in the West do is, by default, wrong.

            I was as pleased to see Saddam executed as I am to see Bin Laden taken out. The world is a better place without them.
            Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

            Mark Twain.


            • MrGongGong
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 18357

              Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
              Oh my goodness. It is astonishing the kind of altered reality that some people seem to live in.

              Unless my memory serves me incorrectly, Saddam was captured and put on trial in Iraq, where, after due process of law, he was found guilty and executed. Surely this is precisely the kind of treatment some of you seem to think should have been afforded to Bin Laden, although I get the impression you'd rather he was alowed to waltz off into the sunset with his Jihadist chums while Obama was locked up for having the temerity to actually pursue the architect of 9/11.

              What exactly would satisfy you?

              I cannot understand this wailing and gnashing of teeth every time a mass murderer gets the justice they deserve. What a strange warped morality you seem to have, where whatever we in the West do is, by default, wrong.

              I was as pleased to see Saddam executed as I am to see Bin Laden taken out. The world is a better place without them.
              Well there is an INTERNATIONAL COURT for a reason !
              You make the mistake of assuming that those who are in favour of a process of LAW are somehow on the "side" of people who do terrible things

              Exactly WHO is giving the USA the right to carry out assassinations ? (and to get it into your fuddled brain YES OF BAD PEOPLE)

              it's not like its going to make support for his IDEAs decrease
              (didn't work with Jesus did it !)

              and for people to stupidly think (as Blair apparently did after the Iraq invasion) that it makes the world a safer place is simply ignoring reality
              we have suffered far to much from the USA trampling firstly over the UN and now over a system of international justice

              the message it gives out is that if you are big and powerful its OK to assassinate your enemies !
              great , that makes us all a lot happier now doesn't it ?


              • Flosshilde
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 7988

                Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                Unless my memory serves me incorrectly, Saddam was captured and put on trial in Iraq, where, after due process of law, he was found guilty and executed. ... What exactly would satisfy you?
                I would be satisfied if both Saddam Hussain & Bin Laden had been tried by the International Court of Justice at the Hague, and found guilty. But, as I said before, USA governments haven't been particularly interested in international law, or justice. Somethin you clearly have in common with them, Mr Pee.


                • MrGongGong
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 18357

                  Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                  I would be satisfied if both Saddam Hussain & Bin Laden had been tried by the International Court of Justice at the Hague, and found guilty. But, as I said before, USA governments haven't been particularly interested in international law, or justice. Somethin you clearly have in common with them, Mr Pee.
                  isn't that why the statue on the law courts has a blindfold ?


                  • Mr Pee
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 3285

                    I would be satisfied if both Saddam Hussain & Bin Laden had been tried by the International Court of Justice at the Hague, and found guilty. But, as I said before, USA governments haven't been particularly interested in international law, or justice. Somethin you clearly have in common with them, Mr Pee.
                    I think it absolutely right that the country that suffered under the regime of Saddam and his gangsters should have the right to try, convict, and execute him in that very country. I fail to see how you can object to that process.

                    In the second reference it is explicit that the disposal of Bin Laden's body at sea is likely to provoke feeling, rather than placate it. As usual, the USA govt has acted either in total ignorance or wilful disregard of other's customs & beliefs.

                    Last edited by Mr Pee; 02-05-11, 17:46.
                    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                    Mark Twain.


                    • Eine Alpensinfonie
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 20586

                      Originally posted by Mark Sealey View Post
                      - you'll feel those who whoop and cheer have the same right to do so?
                      That politicians whoop and cheer in the way they do, including our own Prime Minister - this is something I find quite sickening. Not that I don't sympathise with those who lost their loved ones as a result of OBL, but clearly there are double standards at work here.


                      • Mr Pee
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 3285

                        If you can show me footage of either Cameron or Obama whooping and cheering I'd love to see it.

                        All they have done is express, in a dignified manner, the relief and satisfaction that most of us feel at the death of this evil mass murderer. Perhaps you'd rather they were saying how sorry they are that the nasty Navy SEALS went in with live ammunition instead of paintball guns.
                        Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                        Mark Twain.


                        • ahinton
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 16123

                          The whooping and cheering has indeed largely been that of members of the public rather than from Prime Ministers, Presidents et al, but you, Mr Pee, seem to think that such a response is understandable and therefore by implication acceptable. Did any of your nearest and dearest lose their lives in 9/11? No, nor did any of mine. But I do happen to know four people who lost close relatives in that atrocity and, having spoken to two of them today, they would never think to lower themselves to behave in the gung-ho celebratory manner that they've witnessed from others, as this would hardly be a credible way in which either to honour the dead or to maintain one's own dignity.

                          Bin Laden should have been tried in an international court; as it is, he was killed by Americans who would not even have chosen instead to try him in an American court. Let us not forget that a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist and, accordingly, US, Britain and others have ample blood on their hands; that does not in any way justify the atrocities carried out in the name of Al-Qaeda or any other such organisation, of course, but it does - or at the very least should - act as a reminder to us that certain Western policies have helped to encourage such groups in their actions.


                          • Uncle Monty

                            Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                            the relief and satisfaction that most of us feel at the death of this evil mass murderer.
                            Well, include me out of that alleged majority! I'm a bit disgusted by your bloodthirstiness on this.

                            I think we've had far too much killing -- I don't feel like rejoicing about another one, and I feel no "satisfaction".

                            And of course the US shouldn't go round "taking out" people. People should be apprehended decently, and tried properly. But then we're used to International Law being whatever the US says it is.


                            • Flosshilde
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 7988

                              Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                              I think it absolutely right that the country that suffered under the regime of Saddam and his gangsters should have the right to try, convict, and execute him in that very country. I fail to see how you can object to that process.
                              Um, so what exactly were the USA & UK (primarily) doing there? If it was the right of "the country that suffered" to put him on trial, shouldn't that country be the one that deposed him? Once the USA & UK got involved it became an international issue.

                              Do you believe that Germany should have tried the Nazi leadership, rather than the Nuremburg court (which was the start of a system of international justice)?

                              From your first reference -
                              "Earlier an administration official said of the corpse: "We are ensuring that it is handled in accordance with Islamic practice and tradition."

                              This is a load of bunkum. I wonder who they consulted? As my sources made clear, burial at sea for Muslims is only permitted if they have died on board a ship & cannot be taken to an appropriate cemetary.

                              If there is any doubt that Bin Laden 'deserved' corect burial or not, it was not up to the USA govt to make that decision.
                              Last edited by Flosshilde; 02-05-11, 18:50.


                              • Mr Pee
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 3285

                                If there is any doubt that Bin Laden 'deserved' corect burial or not, it was not up to the USA govt to make that decision
                                By his actions on 9/11, his perversion of Islam, and for the thousands of innocents that he slaughtered, I believe OBL has long since lost any rights to a religious burial. How can somebody who has so twisted a religion to suit his own deranged ideology then be honoured by it?

                                And quite apart from that- whom do you think should have been consulted? And what would have happened to OBL's body in the meantime? I believe it is Moslem practice for the funeral to take place within 24 hours of death. By the time his family- apart from the one who he used as a human shield- had been found, contacted, and consulted, I think it's safe to say that that requirement would have been by-passed. Which no doubt would have given you yet another cause for complaint against the US.

                                And of course, burial at sea will mean that those Islamist fanatics who followed his evil ideology, and by some bizarre twist of logic might regard him as a martyr, are denied a rallying point.

                                I may not sleep easier in my bed tonight for his death, because there are still plenty of nutjobs out there who will no doubt be seeking revenge, but I will sleep more happily for knowing that the world is rid of this monster.

                                The only thing that might keep me awake is the thought that supposedly intelligent people, such as some of the contributors to this thread, think that it is the US who are the guilty party here. That is truly alarming.
                                Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                                Mark Twain.

