Thank you!

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18104

    Thank you!

    I'm starting a thread here - rather like the ones in Metro - to say "Thank you" to unknown people.

    Very recently we were in Glasgow, and it was raining. We also can't walk very fast or far.

    Trying to negotiate our way from our hotel to and from the concert hall near Candleriggs was a nightmare.
    There are quite a number of buses which go to the area, but they seem to have very diverse routes, and different bus stops near the CIty Halls.

    We tried using Google maps to help, but it was next to useless. Also we found some bus stops with buses apparently going in the right direction, but it seems that most people and indeed even the bus drivers did not have a clue about how to get to the hall. To add to the circularity one bus driver suggested "look it up on the Google maps app" - which was a joke as that was exactly how we had got down to the bus stop we were at in the first place.

    We gave up and took a taxi - which amazingly we were able to hail, so despite the problems we did arrive in time.

    The concert by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra was very good

    Returning back to our hotel was similarly frought. We found a route with Google maps - supposedly leading to a bus stop which would take us back to the area close to our hotel. Unlike in London which has bus stops labelled with letters, such A, B, C ....AX, BY etc., Glasgow's bus stops are nothing like so helpful, and are not marked on the Google maps routes. Again we stopped at one bus stop and asked a driver, who again did not know - and said we should cross over towards Queen Street station. As we did that we could see on our phone that that was actually taking us off the suggested route from the map app.

    We found yet another bus stop and were trying to work out a route, and also shelter from the rain. There was a young man [younger than us anyway] at the stop who offererd to help us. He originated from Delhi - which is only relevant to show how kind he was - in case anyone might think otherwise.

    Eventually we asked whether it would be easier to use a taxi, so he offered to get us one. There were actually some taxis in the road opposite, which we could have used but he said - "No - I've already booked one.". So we waited and after a few minutes the booked taxi arrived - I hope we thanked our helper at that point.

    Once we were going I asked the driver "How much are we going to owe you?" - to which he replied "Nothing - it's already paid for".

    That was a completely unexpected act of kindness, and it helped us greatly. It was already very helpful simply getting a taxi to come to pick us up.

    There are some very kind people out there. We'll probably never meet that person again - but it was very kind.

    So thank you!
  • eighthobstruction
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 6527

    bong ching


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38181

      Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
      Indeed so. Around these parts everyone seems to want to help when one is in need - in complete contrast with almost anywhere else I have lived, and especially with London's reputation for unfriendliness, which I have found to be generally untrue since moving back here in 2004... unlike back in the 60s, surprisingly. It is generally truer of the suburbs. If I were to start a new thread, I would say that I've found that leaving aside S London (a district, really) the friendliest towns in Britain have been Liverpool, Southport, Cardiff and Scarborough.


      • Bella Kemp
        Full Member
        • Aug 2014
        • 497

        That's wonderful. Small acts of kindness resonate far beyond the moments in which they occur and do good for the world.

