I think it doesn't matter a flying fig whether a public figure sings the thing or not. This ain't Norf Kria!
God save the Queen !
Originally posted by vinteuil View Post... I refer you to my #22 above...
It's never occurred to me until now to worry about whether I meant what I was singing or not. I imagine not, since as far as I know I have no Welsh blood - but I only had the vaguest idea of what the words meant, anyway.
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostI prefer Daz. Even Omo at a push.
Now, to return to the topic, what's your view of my suggestion to substitute Fairest Isle for the present UK National Anthem and do you think it a good idea (and, if so, why) to retain a National Anthem in the first place?
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostMy favourite is the Willcocks arrangement, written for the Charles & Di Royal Wedding.)
(as Bryn said earlier)
I wouldn't sing it - couldn't really. (Atheist, Republican etc). But more from a certain amount of individual bloodymindedness really. And my 93-year old mother, who served as a sergeant in the armaments factories servicing the (bloody) Spitfires, had just confirmed to me that - she wouldn't bother either. She is, I should add, loosely a Royalist - pictures of babies, Princesses etc., hold some appeal for her. But we don't fall out over that.
Originally posted by Roehre View Postespecially in Schuman's orchestration
btw, no, I don't sing it (GSTQ that is - or is it GSOGQ?), but then I'm rarely in a situation that requires me not to sing it.
(It's amazing the looks you get when you don't stand for the Hallelujah Chorus)
Originally posted by Once Was 4 View PostHow about (c) - to not do so would offend elderly war veterans whose sacrifices, and those of their friends who were robbed violently of their lives, enables us to express strong views without fear of arrest or worse?
Harry Leslie Smith: “As a RAF veteran of World War Two I'm not offended by Corbyn not singing national anthem – but I am offended by politicians who sell guns to tyrants"
Same tune as Luxembourg (if that makes any difference?)
Originally posted by ahinton View PostNow, to return to the topic, what's your view of my suggestion to substitute Fairest Isle for the present UK National Anthem and do you think it a good idea (and, if so, why) to retain a National Anthem in the first place?
I can't see any good reason not to have a national anthem. Most countries, if not all, do. We just need a good one.