A couple of extracts from an article by Dan Walker in today's i
Although Classic FM's recently recruited presenter leaves us in no doubt as to what should be our station of choice, he also makes a more general point about what he sees as the role of classical music in our lives:
"I know there is a feeling that some people listen in order to switch off. But for me, it's not about escapism, it's about enrichment - and I've been really encouraged by the number of people who feel the same way........it's not a case of switching the world off, but equipping yourself to face it".
I would say that's true in my case.
Although Classic FM's recently recruited presenter leaves us in no doubt as to what should be our station of choice, he also makes a more general point about what he sees as the role of classical music in our lives:
"I know there is a feeling that some people listen in order to switch off. But for me, it's not about escapism, it's about enrichment - and I've been really encouraged by the number of people who feel the same way........it's not a case of switching the world off, but equipping yourself to face it".
I would say that's true in my case.