Originally posted by richardfinegold
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A love letter to Radio 3
Originally posted by french frank View Post
I'm not sure there's much of a move to do so but some people's reasons might be:
1. If 95% of what the BBC provides does not differ significantly from what the commerical companies provide, why should it be given public funds to do that, thus proviiding unfair competition?
2. The BBC so obviously breaches its own constitutional obligation to be (politically) impartial that it should not receive public funds while it continues to do so..
I should add that I do not support defunding the BBC on either ground because I don't agree with the premises on which they are basedbut if I were an American I wouldn't favour defunding the police, but some people do.
Originally posted by Joseph K View Post
The first part of number 2 is incontrovertible
It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by Old Grumpy View Post
On a sunny Saturday afternoon...
...that is commitment, FF!Not actually reading it at this very moment, but shall probably have another go at it this evening!
(I was actually doing a bit of research for someone who posted a comment on my abandoned blog about someone who, all evidence suggests, I wrote a blog about: I have barely any memory of having done so)
It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by kernelbogey View PostShe just doesn't like llistening to Radio 3, Eighth.
As I understand it (disclaimer in there somewhere) Nietzsche was saying that a conviction is when people think they possess 'absolute truth':
"It is not the battle of opinions which has made history so violent, but the battle of belief in opinions, that is, of convictions. If only all those who thought so highly of their convictions, who made all sorts of sacrifices for them, who dedicated honour, life and limb to them, had devoted half that effort to examining the reason why they clung to this or that conviction, and how they arrived at it, how peaceful the history of humankind would look!"
That is a point of view I can relate to.
For the Germanists:
Es ist nicht der Kampf der Meinungen, welcher die Geschichte so gewaltthätig gemacht hat, sondern der Kampf des Glaubens an die Meinungen, das heisst der Ueberzeugungen. Wenn doch alle Die, welche so gross von ihrer Ueberzeugung dachten, Opfer aller Art ihr brachten und Ehre, Leib und Leben in ihrem Dienste nicht schonten, nur die Hälfte ihrer Kraft der Untersuchung gewidmet hätten, mit welchemRechte sie an dieser oder jener Ueberzeugung hiengen, auf welchem Wege sie zu ihr gekommen seien: wie friedfertig sähe die Geschichte der Menschheit aus! Last edited by french frank; 16-11-23, 19:40.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
....one hundred years on it would be a great deal easier just to put foam on all the sharp bits....
...for Germanists . those terrible makers of conglomeration...."tub-thumper-ister-manshen-giver-up-das-rear-ender-nein-danke."...Last edited by eighthobstruction; 16-11-23, 20:08.bong ching
Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post....one hundred years on it would be a great deal easier just to put foam on all the sharp bits....
(I think)
It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by LMcD View PostAny station that can mark Daniel Barenboim's birthday by following (part of) his recording of an Elgar symphony with 'Danny Boy' should be defended to the hilt!
It was the rondo from the 2nd symphony and was featured on Essential Classics, which I sometimes listen to for the first half-hour before posting yet another doomed-to-be-spurned suggestion for the Playlister Challenge. The Barenboim link is the sort of thing that the younger me might have greeted with irritation or a groan, but this time I just smiled,