Originally posted by johnb
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bye bye, Nimrud, bye bye
Originally posted by teamsaint View PostI bought a 1960s house, with upvc windows, but ripped them out and then put some tatty old wooden windows in , to give it some "character."
Don't worry - I'm only jesting.
Originally posted by Dave2002 View PostPerhaps you should have spent more money and put on a thatched roof as well. Lol!
Don't worry - I'm only jesting.
A world without 'modern' inventions (like plastic) would be a nightmare for those who prefer cheap and carefree to expensive and time-consuming. I'm sure our ancestors would have been appalled at our lack of invention and discovery if Mankind had finally settled for what they had to endure!
However, the wanton destruction of what remains of past civilisations is an utter abomination. A reminder of the achievements of the past is good for the modern soul, demonstrating just how clever and advanced were some of our ancient and not-so-ancient ancestors. We owe so much to them ... in fact our very lives.
Sadly, cruel savagery and criminal vandalism seems to remain stubbornly unvanquished alongside every civilisation, past and present, and IS, which appears to have suddenly emerged from hidden pre-neolithic caves and brought to life the most nightmarish Old Testament passages, is just the latest, horrifying example.
Originally posted by MrGongGong View PostLike this ?
or this?[/IMG]); in which case it doesn't fit Jean's comment, since it's a recreation or imitation, which almost always looks wrong. The second 'this' does, however. I would guess that it's from the first quarter of the 20th century (or thereabouts) & could be as ruined by the wrong sort of window reploacement as a genuine 18th century building.
What amazes me is that the ISIS ethos seems to be set at obliterating the proud, mighty-achieving inventors and sustainers of the indisputably great past of their region. The mathematicians, architects, engineers, poets, traders? Do they seriously believe that the only valid cultural identity starts with them? In which case, what do they intend to build? Or do they believe that an ideology is the only identity required to unite a people / faith? Are they intent upon returning the region to its fairly primitive agricultural past without infrastructure sophisticated enough to sustain a modern nation?
History might otherwise merely find mass graves of the triumphantly massacred as a marker.
Originally posted by vinteuil View PostMe, I think Burke's take on societal evolution was more sophisticated than that of the immature idealists behind that Revolution...
Originally posted by johnb View PostUPVC Window! Windows are the eyes of a house - you only have to walk down any Victorian road to see the utter vandalism that has been inflicted on the vast majority of houses by owners installing dreadful, ugly double glazed plastic windows.) is Tudor leaded panes, or Georgian panes (pains). I have replaced several interior doors (found in skips) but wasn't keen on restoring the outside lavvie and reinstating the third bedroom, instead of having a bathroom at all - is that wicked?
Originally posted by mangerton View PostI have thought this about some of HG's posts before, and I'd be happy to be proved wrong.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.